Guns bring a family together.....LOL

Eric Larsen

New member
Guns bring a family togethor.....LOL

I am a single dad. My ex is an antigunner and we have 50/50 time with our kids. I respect her enough to do as she requests..."dont take the kids shooting ever!" OK!!!!!!!
I tried asking again yesterday and she said "be careful" WHAT? eeeerrrr.... :D OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were gone. I took my 8 year old son, 5 year old daughter and my 13 year old niece. Also my CZ 83 .380, Compact, S&W 3953 9mm and my snubbie 357 . We filled up some bottles of water, got some wood and frozen hamburger from my freezer and went to the desert.
My kids KNOW guns.....K? They are VERY knowledgeable of
my guns, safety etc...especially my CZ's
My niece had never shot before and after the proper instruction on stance, grip, trigger, sights and safety...was
blowing the **** out of things at 10 yds....loved the 380, but later, couldnt pry the Compact from her hands with a crowbar..she even loaded her own mags....ahhhhhh, heaven....OR SO I THOUGHT.....NOW GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 8 (turns 8 tomorrow) year old gun son, wanted to shoot the .380. I thought about it and decided it was ok, as long as I helped him hold it. He was shooting better than me! After about 100 rnds he says "Dad I want to try it by myself!" I slowly loosened my grip on the gun while he was shooting it....he had it down. I loaded up a Hi Cap and gave him the gun. He put it in and let the slide go......
Proper grip and stance, aims w/finger off the trigger (BY NOW IM PROUD!) and proceeds to shoot the living snot out of everything he is aiming at!
I thought I was proud before.........Here is my 62 lb, 4 ft tall
birthday boy shooting my 83 like it was made for him ....ALONE! He proceeds to shoot about 100 rounds by himself.....with absolute supervision, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last mag I give him he turns and asks " Can I just let them rip?" He wanted to shoot "rapid fire".....I told him if he could do it and control the gun....go for it! When he was done (about 2 seconds and 13 rnds later) I was almost tearing up...sniff , sniff ! He hit 3 32oz bottles of water @
10 yds shooting the thing as fast as I can.....MY BOY!!!!!!
He turns and says.....that was fun!
NOW FOR THE KICKER!!!!! (I know...but just wait )
He wants to shoot my Compact.....I warn him...Its a 9mm and it recoils a little bit more and is heavier. He says "Dad I know", so I shoot it with him, helping just like the .380 before this. Here it comes...."Dad, can I shoot it by myself?" I slowly loosen my grip and guess what?
He's got it down. The first shot he does by himself kinda shocked him...but he hit his target! He turns and smiles at me. He shoots a 15 rnd mag ALONE and gives the empty gun to me....that was fun!" Do you want to shoot it somemore?
Sure but later, Im freezing!" He shot a second and last mag of 9mm....I had a couple of +P HP's thrown in for grins....I told him and he thought it was cool. He didnt even notice.

All I cant say is ....Man, what a day! I also mentioned they may not want to tell there mom about "everything we did today"....just to mention they had fun shooting with dad! OH MY GOD! OOPS , I really didnt think about that part!

My only regret to this for his birthday, I got him a Red Ryder BB gun....I am afraid he may be just a little bored with it after yesterday.....OH WELL.

He is helping me out with this post, Jesse wants me to let everyone know "It was cool!"

Shoot well and I hope you enjoy my story as well as we had living it.


New member
Eric and Jesse,

Congrats, you have just taken a big step as a father and son. Even though you only get 50% of your time together, enjoy the time you have. Eric, thanks for bringing another shooter into the world. I have two boys myself, 5 and 4 year olds. They are already shooters, but only with bb guns for right now, but each of them already has a .22 rifle and a small caliber pistol (.380 or .32) they are just too little to use them right now.

It wasn't until I had decided to join the military that my father took up interest in guns. At the age of 15 I went to a Police Explorer competition and came home with two trophies, one for 1st place shooting a .357, and 1st place for traffic stops. I think once he realized I was now walking in his shoes (as a military policeman) he wanted to spend more time with me. I have decided to made a career of the military unlike him though.

I must say that I wish he would have started me shooting much sooner, because I couldn't enjoy it with him after I joined the military except when I returned home on leave, which wasn't often enough.

My father passed away last year, and I really miss him now. I realize how little he tried to be a father to me, because he was so busy with his career, I was the youngest of five kids and by the time I had grown we had nothing in common and he was far too old to "play" with me, or at least that's the way I see it. The day my father retired I told my wife he would only live for 5 years if he didn't keep working. It was five years to the month that he died.

I have most of him guns now, and will pass them on to my sons, but they won't replace the memories I have of the first time he took me shooting, and I had to teach him how to handle a semi-auto...the darn slide cut him up pretty good...:D

Dan Morris

New member
Wife was kinda non commetal........took son on hunting trips when he was old enough to drag along on hunting trips.....
is now 17 and he puts swat to shame at the pistol range!
Wife , after some problems at her parking garage, now legally totes a 36 in her purse.
Yup, it has finally become a family matter.


New member
Great job Eric, your kids will thank you for it some day. I would have been equally proud if I had kids and they shot as well at age 8. Keep up the good work.


Eric Larsen

New member
Thanks to all for the good words....I try to be an interactive father as often as I can. My kids have known about guns for a long time.
My son has shown interest....MAN, has he shown interest. He really blew me away.....hmmmmm, never mind. You know what I mean. Last night my 5 year old daughter asked my son..." Can I shoot your BB gun with you!" She is just as hooked as the rest of us...just a little more cautious than Jesse.........Im still proud!
Sniff, Sniff.........Shoot well