Guns and Gay Sex...seriously

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New member
That article is lacking in any specific information. It is a bit too broad for me to understand what the author of the article is trying to say.

What I understand is that they are saying: "By accepting the lifestyle of homosexuality, we can not deny the practice of lawful gun ownership and usage." I don't know if this is an argument for accepting homosexuality as a part of our society or if it is a means to say that Guns should be abolished.

I don't know what to say...that may or may not be true. But, I believe being gay is not a choice. It may not be inborn, but it is not a choice amongst the majority of the gay population. Owning a gun is a choice and a right. Perhaps the two share the fact that they may be a right in this country.

There are people from every walk of life, gay or straight, who believe either that guns are bad and evile and should be banished as well as those who believe that guns are just another tool for we humans to use and enjoy.

Personally, I believe this book the article cites is reaching a bit. There are plenty of other reasons to allow both practices besides relating them to one another. Though, it is an interesting take.

There are plenty of gays who believe live and let live, who are conservative and traditional with their morals and values. There are plenty of gays who are leftists. There are plenty of Christians who are gay, there are plenty of Christians who are anti-gun.


New member
Methinks you miss the point.

The point is this is great! We got the left wing liberal rats in tar pit. They can no longer argue that our 2A rights are collective while the gays have an individual right of privacy. If you will read the Chicago Law School piece I posted, I think you will agree that at least we got them on the run. Maybe they are finally realizing they can no longer talk out of both sides of their mouth.

You might also be interested in Levinsons piece "The Embarrassing Second Amendment.";)


Could also be that they see what happens in places like Iran, where, when they can't have a means of self-defense, they can be rounded up and executed.

Funny thing, that. I think we've known how that goes all along, haven't we?


New member
Sorta reminds me of an Al Franken skit on SNL one time. He did a takeoff on an NRA TV ad. The SNL ad started out looking identical to the NRA ad, with two hunters walking thru the woods carrying rifles. But then it "deviated" from the NRA ad, as the two hunters abruptly came together and started making out. Then the voiceover invited you to join the GAY COMMUNIST GUN CLUB. Back when Al was sorta funny. :D


New member
The title does not NEED the word "sex" in it...

I hate it when IT visits my office for setting off a red alert on the network.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Following the link, I am confused as to which link to follow next. I don't, and I presume most of us here don't, have the time to explore the site.

That and BerettaCougar's point that the "sex" part of the thread title AND as part of the link's title have little or nothing to do with a pro-2nd Amendment argument position.

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