Guns and Ammo Made Me Sick to My Stomach

Adventurer 2

New member
The G&A guys did a torture test today that made me sick. They stuck a squib load (2 grains or so of powder) in a Smith and Wesson 686. Lodged the bullet. Then shot two more squib loads, jamming a total of 3 bullets in the 6" 686. Then they fired a full power 357 125 grain bullet. The cylinder still functioned and one of the jammed bullets was half pushed out of the barrel. The 686 looked OK (probably not). That torture test hurt me because a 6" 357 is my favorite handgun. One of the testers asked the other one if he wanted to pull the string for the squib loads - he turned the offer down - said he couldn't do that to a S&W. I could hardly watch.


New member
Sounds like I know what to look forward to tonight.

Some of thier "torture" tests are pretty lame, but this one sounds good.


New member
Wouldn't they get more viewers if instead of ruining perfectly good guns they would give them away to viewers as a prize at the end of each episode? Torture tests are all BS anyway. I used to watch regularly but not anymore.

Jim Watson

New member
I don't wonder. I read too many Internet Reports of "My First Squib." Often written as though they expect their second, third, etc., just as a cost of doing business with handloads. Maybe this will scare some klutzes into checking their loads before they seat a bullet.


New member
Having been the recipient of pieces of a gun (not mine and no not the one I was firing at the range) and ending up with broken glasses, broken nose and a lot of blood, this kind of test only provide one purpose and that is to teach people to be very careful about there reloading (which was the cause of this AR15 blowing up).
Out side of that I agree with every one here, a waste of a good gun, sounded like it was more in line with myth busters.
“We can’t blow it up that way so were going to add 27 sticks of dynamite,,, KAABOOM”


New member
Waste of a perfectly good 686.
Reloads can be trouble as I found out once when I had a Colt Gold Cup. The round sounded 'loud' and the recoil was more than normal. When I got it home and took it apart, the ejector housing was cracked at the point where it meets the frame. I was lucky.
Maybe the waste of a good gun will help someone be more careful than they usually are.


New member
It's not a waste. If it looks good they can pedal it at thier next LGS for nearly as much as they paid for it!


G&A has not been worth the paper it's printed on since Ross Seyfried left, quite a long time. Their TV show is no better.


New member
Adventurer 2 said:
The G&A guys did a torture test today that made me sick... I could hardly watch.
I'm guessing you don't want to be any where near when they crash test your favorite car or truck. ;)


I'm with gunhand but with an updated twist; if they're going to trash a gun they should give another of the same make and model to some call in contestant or somesuch.


New member
I bet that barrel bulged, if nothing else. My Ruger P90 barrel sure did bulge when I fired a good 45 into the squib that was in the barrel.

I don't know how I forgot to charge that case, but I did. Now, it is part of my loading procedure to physically look into each case to make sure they are a) charged, and b) not double-charged.


New member
686 Torture Test

I hate those tests. These guys ruin guns that I would sell my soul to own. And on top of that what are the chances that anyone in their right mind would get 3 squibs lodged in the barrel of their gun? I have had it happen twice and both times I kind of figured it out right away. :p


New member
I once had a squib load in a Colt Combat 1911. I didn't realize it at the time, and fired another round. Both bullets exited the barrel. No damage.


New member
I have a 686 4" bbl, no key. On a working man's budget I would be hard pressed to treat my 686 with that kind of disrespect. I have a couple of Saturday night specials that I would not treat like that. It is good to know that my 686 could take it tho.

Evyl Robot

New member
It kind of reminds me of the guy that posted a video of putting the brand new iphone in a blender on the internet. That was right after they came out. Apparently, he auctioned the remains on ebay.

At least they didn't blow up some gun that they only made a handful of. Sure it's a waste of a gun, but S&W has made about a billion 686's, right?
