What do you think?

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New member
I have just launched this website, and I wanted to get all of your opinions about the site. I think it is pretty cool but what do I know :)

I posted another thread that got shut down as spam, so sorry about that folks, no more spam from me :)

If you could leave reviews and sign up for accounts on my site that would be awesome... can't wait to hear what you have to say about it!


:p again,


New member

I looked at your website the first time you posted it. I will give you my opinion with no malicious intent what-so-ever.

When I look at a gun review the first thing I look at is who did the review. Does the person have the knowledge to give an honest, unbiased opinion. Did he buy the guns off the shelf or were they sent to him from the manufacturer for review? How many different guns did he review to base his opinion on? etc,etc.

If you are promising to pay people for reviews how does anyone know they aren't just bums off the street looking for wine money? Even big name gunwriters have lost my attention because they have shown themselves lacking the credibility to write an informed and honest opinion. I have read big name writers in big name magazines compare guns I have owned and shot many times over only to endorse the one that is paying for the most ad space and sending them free gifts over the better product.

And one last thing, you will undoubtably get people to look at your site and quote some of the ratings. Do you care if they are well informed or just fed a bunch of B.S.? You are looking at a large undertaking. If you want to do it right you have a lot of work to do and I hope you can make it. But if you are just looking to fill the informational highway with more trash, we have plenty.

Best wishes,


Didn't your last spam for this get locked? I see this as a cynical attempt to make $$$$$$$$$$$$ online, like the other sites I find by googling your name. You're already soliciting ads for pete's sake.

I prefer my system. More community focused.


New member
thanks for the replies

I do appreciate your feedback, to address the concern of reviewer credibility I would have this to say.

I have it set up that I (or another qualified individual) would have final say over weather the review gets posted or not. This would eleviate some of the "crap" reviews...

As for professional writers that are giving out reviews based on perks, that is the purpose for the site... if you get a sampling of true "firearm user" reviews and ratings, you are much more likely to get a good average rating, of course this would be dependant on the amount of reviews in the sample, which right now is pretty low... but it will grow for sure and over time approach a much closer public opinion of the firearm.

To address the other post as to how I am making money on the site??? Umm I don't see how I am doing that?!? I don't charge for anything?!!? Oh, and I dig your website, it is cool...

As for soliciting ads, I am not trying to make money, only to pay for the site being operated... no harm in that.

Thanks again, would love to get some more feedback from other folks

Bud Helms

Senior Member
'Tell you what you need to do. Put your website addy in your signature line with no additional hype. Post here like the rest of us.

I think we had this conversation before.

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