
roy reali

New member
Most of us grew up with Monopoly. Now everytime you turn around there is a new version of this old classic game. There are ones for different subjects and themes. I have even seen a Dogopoly game.

They all follow the original theme. You start off with the cheap properties and move up the economic scale until you reach Park Place and Boardwalk.

I "googled" Gunopoly and nothing like a gun-realted Monopoly game could be found. It doesn't mean one doesn't exist, but I couldn't find it. So I guess it is up to us to design one.

The different properties should be the different gun companies. The first properties should therefore be the cheap gun makers and proceed to the fanciest gun makers. Where would you put the different gun companies on a Gunopoly board? Do you start off with HiPoint and end with Perazzi? Where would Remington go, towards the cheap or the nice? Should the Railroads be replaced with scope companies or ammo makers?

How would you design a Gunopoly game?


New member
Hmm... Fun question!

I think instead of the "Income Tax" space I'd have "ATF Tax Stamp".

Free Parking would be "Public Range".

Jail would be California (sorry :D)

For pieces I think I'd have a rifle round, scope, bayonet, revolver cylinder, and a magazine.

Oh and for some of the Chance cards, I'd have two "Gun Show" cards. One would say "Go to Gun Show, find deal! Collect $100" and another would say "Go to Gun Show, find nothing, pay $50 for parking, entry fee, and beef jerky."


New member
Well you could play it with bullets vs. monopoly money. You have so many rounds to start with and how well you use your rounds gives you more rounds. Shoot the bad guy and you get more ammo. Shoot the school bus and you loose rounds. Run out of ammo and the Grizzly Bear eats you piece by piece while you are still alive.


New member
The game begins by the players drawing a card from a blind deck. There are 50 cards, each represent a state. The player can buy only the guns allowed in that state, he can buy manufacturers though.

Dice are thrown and the high score gets to be a lawyer. Lawyers engage in the normal play but get paid $10,000 from any player who gets in trouble. he doesn’t get them out of trouble, he just gets the money.

The tokens look like something to represent the state. A set of tweezers are furnished for use by a person to handle the token if he draws Rhode Island.

The Texas token SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED to cover the entire board.
Alaska shall look like an ice cube.
Illinois shall look like a donkey head; California will be the other end.
DC shall be a million dollars bill (hidden in an envelope).

The cheap squares should have Glocks, and the squares work up to the exotic and high priced double-barrel rifles with fancy engraving.

If a player gets all the guns of one make he then sells these to other members for double the MSRP.

The railroads become gun manufacturers. These don’t have a specific manufacturer listed but give you the opportunity to select from the broker a manufacturer of the those remaining in stock. You then take all the guns of that make from the bank and if anyone wants one they buy from you.

There should be squares which require you to return your highest priced gun to the dealer (bank) and exchange it for a Glock. If all you have are Glocks you go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200 (well, in this inflated age GO should pay $10,000).

There should be one BATFE square. Land on that and you forfeit your full-auto guns to the BATFE.

There should be one Brady square. Land on that and you forfeit all your handguns to the Brady Junkyard.

There should be one Pelosi square. Land on that and you’re out of the game unless you have $10,000 to bribe the bank. You may borrow from other players but then they can call a favor on you later on.

Each time you pass GO you receive, in addition to the money, an influence point. These influence points may be used to buy another player a favor; such as getting out of jail, getting his guns back from BATFE, getting his guns back from the Brady Junkyard. Different Influence Values shall be assigned to each favor.


Edit: I forgot to say there are only 50 cards because I left out Hawaii, if one should draw Hawaii there is no sense in even playing.
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Staff In Memoriam
The cheapest spots should start with Lorcin, Raven and Jennings...:D The high dollar over and under shotguns would have to be the Park Place and Boardwalk spots...



Cheap - RG, or some that HogDogs mentioned. High end - something by Fabbri or Purdey (with pics) would be nice

It would be interesting to see - not sure how many places would carry it unless you maybe married it with hunting - but it is a neat idea

roy reali

New member

The game pieces should be different gun models. You could have a miniature 1911, a double-barrel shotgun, an AK 47 and so on. Instead of a jail space and a "go to jail" card, it should be a California space and a "go to California" card. For shooters that is darn close to being like in prison.:D