Gunkid Busted!


New member
[Butthead] Fffffffwhooooaaaa...........huh huh huh huh [/Butthead]

I kinda expected him to be a wet-behind-the-ears teenager or in his early 20s at the most, but 55????? :eek: The guy really is a nut.:rolleyes:

Scott Conklin

New member
Well I'll be. I too always assumed GunKid was some 20-something punk living in a fantasy world. I guess age wasn't an issue to the fantasy...

At least they did recover a .22 in all that, but I didn't see any mention of an assault wheelbarrow.



How did you connect this character to Gunkid? I didn't see anything in the linked articles.


New member
He is being held without bail and faces a complaint of possession of ammunition after a prior felony conviction. According to a federal detention order, Davis has past convictions on eight federal offenses and received five separate sentences totaling more than 20 years in prison.

June 16, Davis’ estranged wife told the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that Davis had broken into her Colorado storage unit and stolen “several assault rifles, hand guns, some gold, silver and other ... items.” She said Davis, who has at least eight aliases, stored most of the loot in Norman.

that's some heavy duty time with more to come :eek:


New member
just trust us on this one Handy, Davis is indeed GunKid. The how and why of positive identification is a little long winded, but its him.


New member
Yeah i alway thought he would be 5'6 345 lbs living in his momma's basement and having bad thumbs for playing his nintendo all the time.


gunkid, john22, stressor, etc. was outted at least three years ago when several people used his ISP to track him down. M. Ayoob also identified him as a former ISPC shooter who ran afoul of the law back in the 1980s IIRC.

During his widely varied times at most firearms forums, he did such things as advocate selling drugs to children for money to buy arms, to recommend wildley overpressure handloads for pistols, and to advocate the AR-15, with a "canned .22 upper" as the ultimate survival weapon. His Assault Wheelbarrow was to provide cover on his raft, floating downriver after TEOTWAWKI, sniping farmers with the AR, and stealing their belongings. He also professed to having the ability to exceed all professional standards and records while drawing and shooting pistols and revolvers. He was also a "trained sniper".

In truth, he was a barely competitive shooter nearly twenty years ago, served several years in a federal penitentiary, and was banned from owning, or handling, firearms by law. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to possess the skills, and weapons, that he supposedly acquired, in any legal manner.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.:mad:


My experience with him was very negative and seems to have spread over to having falsehoods passed around about me by certain people who's interests are served by it. Live and learn, I guess. From now on, everyone I do business with gets a background check.


Wow, I just googled gunkid and I must say, what a terrible excuse for a human being.:barf: Must have watched too much Red Dawn while "testing" his own product. The raft and the assault wheelbarrow realy made my day. I would have liked to see if any raft he could have made would float.



The first assault wheelbarrow prototype (the OGSNARW Model 8) was built for the Department of the Army by Radio Flyer, followed by two other competing prototypes produced by Craftsman and DeWalt. The Radio Flyer Company actually built and designed the vehicle that first met the Army's criteria, but the Army felt that the company was too small to supply the number needed and it allowed Craftsman and DeWalt to make second attempts on their designs after seeing Bantam's vehicle in action. Some people believe that Craftsman and Sears also had access to Radio Flyer's technical paperwork. Quantities (500) of each of the three models were then extensively field tested. During the bidding process for 16,000 "assault wheelbarrows", Sears offered the lowest bid and won the initial contract. Sears thus designed what would become the standardized assault wheelbarrow, designating it a model MB military vehicle and building it at their plant in Toledo, Ohio.


New member
good...did anyone ever get that guy aka "dana"that looked like fred flintstone who has been ripping folks off for the last 8 years or so or is this guy the same person?

the funny part..I can see unckle sam actually bidding on such an item as a common wheelbarrow.:D