Gunbroker question

Harry Callahan

New member
Hey all,
Just had a quick question. I am having my first experience buying a gun on Gunbroker. I won the auction last week and had the money order in the mail along with a copy of the auction and FFL last Friday. Before all of that I contacted the seller as soon as the auction was over to inquire about what he needed to expedite things. I also faxed copy of FFL to seller. I emailed the seller Saturday letting him know he should expect these items shortly. He emailed me back Saturday telling me that everything I had done so far was correct. Here it is Wednesday and I haven't heard anything. I tried calling seller but was only able to leave message on his VM. Should I be getting worried? Seems like ample time to have received all those items. Help!:confused:


New member
Some sellers don't respond once the particulars are over. I wouldn't worry about it just yet.


New member
Dont worry yet. I ordered a revolver off gunbroker last month. Within the first 48 hours I had mailed payment and FFL copy to the seller and he still took another 5 days after he received them to notify me and tell me it was getting ready to ship. I had tried calling the seller multiple times while I was waiting and got his voicemail everytime. Everything worked out fine in the end and I now have a brand new S&W 625.


New member
No cause for concern yet. And if he sent it, you should be contacting your FFL, not the seller.

I always stay on top of things when I purchase off Gunbroker because the seller almost never follows instructions in putting my contact info for my FFL to notify me when it arrives.


New member !!!

You should review sellers feedback before even making a bid. The only reason that it is there is to establish the credibility of the seller. With that said, I normally acknowledge receipt of the funds and paperwork, then notify when the item is shipped along with tracking.....then thanking you for doing business with us....Asking if there are any problems or if fully satisfied, maybe a week later. Communication is a must on these sites where you are dealing with total strangers !!!
It's just like ebay except dealing with firearms...FWIW


I agree with the others, it's too soon to start worrying. If he's a reputable seller I'm sure the feedback would reflect that.


New member
You mailed it Saturday so it posibly didn't move until Monday, two days later is today. Depending on where it's going and from where it could take a week. I wouldn't worry so much . If nothing withn another week, start some concern a brewin'.

Harry Callahan

New member
No worries. The guy just emailed me that it's going out tomorrow. Yes, I did check his feedback or else I never would have taken the chance on a questionable seller. Thanks for everything guys. You helped keep my blood pressure in check. I will soon be the proud owner of a S&W Model 1006 10mm. Can't wait!:)


One of my first purchases on gunbroker was a 1026. I'm always worried with every transaction although I haven't ever not gotten the gun. I never send money without talking to the individual first. And I always slip in if I am wondering, that I really don't want to drive to where ever they are. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of deals gone south on one of these auction sites. I'm waiting on two pistols from a guunbroker dealer as I type this. It seems like it would take a pretty courageous or stupid person to stiff someone who likes guns.


New member
Always check feedback.

I had a revolver sit in the post office for a week because my dealer wasn't available to sign for it. Lots of things can happen.

I've had two transactions with gunbroker. Both went well.


New member
One of my first purchases on gunbroker was a 1026. I'm always worried with every transaction although I haven't ever not gotten the gun. I never send money without talking to the individual first. And I always slip in if I am wondering, that I really don't want to drive to where ever they are. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of deals gone south on one of these auction sites. I'm waiting on two pistols from a guunbroker dealer as I type this. It seems like it would take a pretty courageous or stupid person to stiff someone who likes guns.

No, there seem to be quite a number of people who are out to deceive. Mainly, it is for items that are seemingly ubiquitous and very popular, like the AR and AK platform for example.

To most people, most firearms in both categories are "just another AR", just another AK", etc. but for enthusiasts, there are tons of little details that give auctions away as being deceitful. Listing something as "pre ban Russian" for example (there is no such thing).

The milsurp community has a lot of those as well, seemingly professionally done arsenal codes and markings on stocks, receivers, etc. to boost sales. Garand cartouches, Nazi markings, etc.

It's difficult, but if it's not a "newer" firearm, you have to do a ton of research before you consider a buy, even in person. Don't be afraid to confront or correct them, especially since it's not even in person. Some sellers are sincere and honestly don't know, and correct their listing or even take it down.


New member
My wife has had problems with a few sellers on Gunbroker. The first was for the purchase of a FN PS90. She won the auction, sent the money and didn't hear from the seller for over a week. She made several attempts to call and send email messages but did not get any replies. After 3 weeks of waiting, she left a message on the sellers answering machine that said she was canceling the payment. The seller then finally responded, and with some very rude comments. My wife finally received the PS90 but it took over 6 weeks. She left negative feedback for the seller. The seller complained to Gunbroker, who then removed the feedback from the sellers account.

The other time was for the purchase of ammo for the PS90. Someone had several listings for ammo. My wife contacted the seller to see if they would combine the shipping if she won more than one of the auctions. The seller agreed. My wife won 3 of the auctions. When it came time to pay, the seller was not willing to give a combined shipping cost. The seller wanted to charge the $20 hazard shipping for each of the three auctions, there by padding his sale by $40. My wife refused, didn't send the money and left negative feedback. The seller complained to Gunbroker, who removed the feedback from the sellers account. Gunbroker then canceled both my wife's account and my account (despite the fact that I never had problems with any of the sellers; gave them all positive feedback).

I will never give Gunbroker a positive comment and have successfully persuaded friends and family to not use their service.

I have purchased several guns and related items via Auction Arms and Guns America without any problems at all.

Mal H

I will soon be the proud owner of a S&W Model 1006 10mm.
You're gonna like that pistol! The NN06 series was one of S&W's better designs, IMO. Let us know how it shoots when you get it.


New member
I see plenty of sellers post dark, small, blurry pictures of their guns on Gunbroker when I ever check it out. Do they really expect you to buy a gun that you cannot really see very well? Either they are stupid or trying to cover up all the flaws in the condition? But ebay sellers do the same. Claim, "duh, I am too dumb to work this here camera, but it looks gooder than my pitchers".

Harry Callahan

New member
Just got it and it's beautiful. Actually it's much larger and heavier than I thought it would be(hear that alot;)). It has some very minor scratches which do not appear to be too far in to the finish, otherwise it is everything I was expecting. Anyone have any idea what is the best way to try to remove them? I could see this gun becoming my favorite. Is Flitz a good idea or will it be hard to get out of the slight texture? Can't wait to shoot it.:D


New member
Harry, I had a stainless pistol with some scratches and I started off with a Birchwood Casey Lead Remover Cloth, and that did a pretty good job. I did use the Flitz on some areas with heavier scratches and it works great.

As with anything remotely abrasive, I always start off easy and go slow, then once you get the hang of how the product is working you can adjust your speed.


New member
make them sign for the payment

when you send the payment make certain they sign for the letter. Now you know when they received it in hand, always get both phone numbers people like to use cell phone but get the hard wire number then do a reverese lookup on anywho give they actual street address; if its not the same . warning sign...
my .02cents i learned a $100. lesson the hard way:eek::eek::eek: