Gun turn-in in Australia


New member
“We’ve also received more than 110 prohibited weapons, including samurai swords, knives and other edged weapons,” said Wayne Hoffman, a detective chief inspector with the New South Wales Police.

When they're disarming poor Mick, They've gone to damn far!
This is seriously disgusting.

America I hope we have more back bone if the time comes.


New member
3. There are 250K illegal long arms and 10K illegal handguns out there.
I like how an estimate suddenly becomes a cold, hard fact to some people. (The author, not you, Glenn.)
"We've got 250k illegal long guns out there. Some cops ran the numbers. We know for sure!"

...And probably completely ignores the numbers from '96 buyback/amnesty, when they estimated that at least 400,000 newly-prohibited but legally purchased long guns were not turned in by the end of the amnesty period; which, at that time, ignored firearms already illegally possessed.


New member
I pine for those Japanese machine guns....
And is that an IR scope on that M16 in the back right?
Pining like Pine-sol.


New member
I can definitely see all the criminals lining up to turn in their guns... NOT!
The Australian government knows that criminals don't participate in these gun turn in schemes but they keep holding them, disarming the law abiding citizens instead of using their time and energy to capture criminals. Gun violence is not the guns fault it is the violence that must be stopped. They are slowly doing the same thing that England did and in much the same way. If you vilify guns long enough people begin to believe that the gun is the cause for violence. When they believe that then it would be distasteful to own a gun. Here in America the study by the CDC showed that guns are used far more often to stop crime than they are used in crimes.It is a legal fact that police do not bear the burden to protect individuals. They must do that on their own. The best tool to defend ones self against an armed criminal is to be armed, trained, and practiced.


New member
I think I just did, a little bit. It's not a secret and it doesn't take a remarkable IQ to recognize. I do my part to get non-shooters into a shooting sport through the "Women On Target" and the "Small Bore Rifle Silhouette" events at the local range. I've raise four kids that enjoy the shooting sports and two of them are active shooters. By the way, if you are in S.E. Washington or N.E. Oregon the East End Rod and Gun Club has free 5 Stand and Small Bore Silhouette shoots for the rest of August. Join us for a good time.

Blatant ad for the club I belong to ^^^^^^


New member
Instead of gun turn ins, they should invite some law abiding gun owners and experts to be there with law enforcement and have a safe supervised transfer. Heck, maybe even let them make offers of cash for the guns. Would get more guns off the "streets"

I wish I lived east of the cascades, I'd come visit that range. I'm only an idiot online, lol.
G day

I have just been able to register an old air rifle, Mauser and Side by Side 12 gauge thanks to the amnesty. I did not have to get the usual "permit to acquire" for any of these ($38.50ea). I also did not have to pay the regular $25.00 for "Brokerage" at my local Firearms dealer.

Now I can use these without fear of prosecution and losing all of my others.

One of them was already in the police records, Not my problem as it is a NO Questions asked policy. Just get them registered. If you are licenced for that category weapon you should walk out with it in about 15-20 minutes. This can be done at any police station, Firearms dealer or Armorer.


New member

What it like there.. Are the firearm owners organized? any groups trying to change things? are people unhappy with the current laws?
What's the mind set there?
G'day Joe

What it like there.. Are the firearm owners organized?
I don't think it is a legal requirement for a firearm owner to be organised, but it dose help to prevent you from turning up at the range with the wrong ammo etc.

any groups trying to change things?
there at those that would like to remove all firearms from the community.
Yes there are some pro gun groups that do a lot to promote the sport, as well as minor political groups. I live on a small Cattle Station, approximately 500Square Miles. We have some camping and caravan sites for tourists who want to visit a working Cattle Property. It gives me an opportunity to educate and take people out and have a Soot. I am in the process of getting # 20 Rifle so I have a variety for people to try and I can work them up to the bigger calibres.

are people unhappy with the current laws?
Not strict enough.
Too Strict.

What's the mind set there?
Americans are gun crazy and should have better laws.
People don't kill people, Guns Do.
There is no need to have a gun like that here.
If all guns are removed from this place it will stop all murders/crime.
Our country will be stuffed when they take our guns away.


New member
And at this juncture....

All the Americans here should turn an eye to heaven and thank our founding fathers.
Our 2nd amendment helps prevent this sort of gun grab here.....mostly.

They were very smart guys!


New member
Don't bet on US Citizens standing up!

When they did the registration in Conn. I believe....

Gun Owners lined up like sheep!

Yes, the stupider our "Leaders" get...

The smarter, our Founding Fathers become!!!


New member
Ya I remember seeing the picture of the line..
but when it was all said and done I think they estimated 2/3rds did not register.

Don P

New member
"We've got 250k illegal long guns out there. Some cops ran the numbers. We know for sure!
Must be all the folks with "illegal" long guns must have admitted so to the police:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool::eek:
Here are the results of the 1998 buyback, which echo Glenn's post.

"Automatic" firearms, which include semiautos, accounted for 0.1% of guns turned in. Other "centerfire" guns accounted for 3.2%. That includes revolvers and bolt-action rifles. 47.5% of the total was comprised of rimfires.

Yes, people turned in guns, much like they do in buybacks here. But they're not turning in the guns that prompted these initiatives.


New member
Tom Servo said:
"Automatic" firearms, which include semiautos, accounted for 0.1% of guns turned in.
That's not what the link says (my emphasis in boldface).
The Great Australian Gun “Buyback” by SSAA Research Team December 1997
Automatic . 204 0.1%
Centre-fire 6,216 3.2%
Pump-action Shotguns 29,084 15.1%
Auto-loading Shotguns 63,012 32.7%
Rimfires (Pea Rifle) 91,612 47.5%
Other 2,812 1.5%
Total Prohibited (Vic) 192,940 100.0%


New member

I live on a small Cattle Station, approximately 500Square Miles.

I lived in Sydney NSW for three years! I remember asking how far? We were out in the bush "Just across the paddock Mate!" 40 miles later>>> arrived.