Gun Transfers for 10-3-15 Interesting

I was at my LGS today picking up some guns I had ordered.
While running my Fed background check.
He said that just today there were about 950,000 transfers done. Was sure it would be over a million by the end of the day.
All Obama has to do is open his mouth and the gun sale shoot up.
And that does not count how many guns, Thats just transfers. I had three, but I was buying any way.


New member
Very interesting. I find that an amazing number for one day.

A few questions though:
1) does this include transfers between the manufacturers and the distributors and the distributors and the sellers?
2) How does the person running the background check know? Is it through the confirmation number he gets back?
3) What is a usual number of transfers in a day?
4) Are you saying this is the number of background checks done and not the actual number of firearms transferred?
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New member
Deer seasons are starting up around the country, so this is typically one of the busiest times of the year anyway.

The last thing we need is another panic, although if it happens I may be willing to let someone pay an outrageous price for some toys

1) does this include transfers between the manufacturers and the distributors and the distributors and the sellers?
Transfers between FFL's aren't done through NICS

Here's some data on NICS
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New member
No one can know what will happen in the next month or two .
My local loading supply guy called last night and told me he had a good supply of handgun powder and it is time to buy .

I now have 16 # of Unique and 16# of AA 9 I did not have yesterday .
Snyper said:
1) does this include transfers between the manufacturers and the distributors and the distributors and the sellers?
Transfers between FFL's aren't done through NICS
Which means NICS checks aren't involved in sales from manufacturers to distributors, or distributors to sellers (gun shops).

Other points: Not all states use the Federal NICS system. And many states allow face-to-face private transfers without a background check. All of which suggests that the number of actual transfers on any given day is probably significantly higher than the number of NICS checks.
Very interesting. I find that an amazing number for one day.

A few questions though:
1) does this include transfers between the manufacturers and the distributors and the distributors and the sellers?
2) How does the person running the background check know? Is it through the confirmation number he gets back?
3) What is a usual number of transfers in a day?
4) Are you saying this is the number of background checks done and not the actual number of firearms transferred?

When he told me, I was very surprised by that number.
Unfortunately i dont know any thing about how it works.
Other than he only needed to run me once.

As for how he got the number. I did not really see. I think he was on a terminal. He was looking down and said " Yea your good"
Then he did a double take.. !!!! Holy cow thats allot!
I said whats allot?
Then he told me what he saw.


New member
I wasn't counted because the gun I ordered didn't arrive yesterday and should be here Monday. It has nothing to do with events as it was a long planned purchase of my first 1911. It took 68 years for me to get one and I am looking forward to it.
KEYBEAR: There are two ways to interpret that, and this is just a reminder for those novices out there who are reading this.

There might be more reloading now as guys practice for long-range hunting.

A few years ago, a number of ammo distributors attempted to create a panic in April/May, in order to force a spike in demand, months After the '08 panic had cooled off.
They warned customers about an expected shortage of ammo, but this did not happen.

Those of us with thousands of rds. of ammo for an SKS rifle, handgun etc are never going to think about letting anxiety take over.
Those who have saved cash since Newtown either bought a safe reserve or decided to wait to follow the next stampeding herd towards spiked prices.


New member
I don't know about those numbers but.... I was shopping at a store that sells everything from sewing thread to handguns and there was a line of people buying handguns.

I went to get dog treats and my weekly ammo allotment
Not all states use the Federal NICS system. And many states allow face-to-face private transfers without a background check.
On top of that, many states have carry licenses that substitute for a NICS check. The actual number of transfers is hard to estimate, but it's fair to say the FBI data is erring very much on the low side.

As for the rise in demand? We've got an election, and gun control is in the news. People get nervous over both, and that drives buyers.