Gun Tests


New member
Not sure where to post this, so I will try The Art of Rifle, since I am most concerned about rifles at this moment in time.

Staff, move this if you like.

Does anyone subscribe to Gun Tests? I received on offer to subscribe and receive 12 issues for $24.

Tell me what you think about them.


New member
I like them. You can go to their website and search the archives for a particular gun test you are interested in. Even if you are not a subscriber it still gives you the basic outcome of the test. I have enjoyed reading the test reviews and they seem to be non biased. If you subscribe to the mag then you get full access online.


New member

Thank you.

Do you have thier web site? Others may be intrested also. I could save $24 and buy a carton of cheap cig`s.

No, I would still subscribe anyway. I`m sure they won`t post the latest tests on the web anyway. But i`m glad to hear I can find info on the previous test in case I find a used gun I would like to buy.:D


New member
I suscribe every few years, keep it going a year or two then decide I don't need the subscription. I tend to agree with them on most reviews. I think they are more objective than most and do pretty thorough reviews.


New member

I`ve eaten most everything, but never tried a pigmy.:)

Do they taste like chicken?:D

Your Tag Line.


New member
I like Gun Tests. I've subscribed for 10 years, and have kept every edition since joining. My current project is to scan all editions I have and convert them to PDF for electronic storage (so I can clear up paper space).


I have a lot of complaints about them. They don't test a large enough cross reference of the same gun, #1.

Secondly, they tend to test and retest the same models of gun in different calibers, which I find nearly worthless.

I've found their recommendations mediocre at best.

But I do like their honest reviews. They certainly aren't biast.


New member
9MM it depends if they are feril and barbarous or farm raised. I preffer farm raised. They are less gamey and easier to harvest. :D

Leadcounsil have you found a better resorce? I am genuinly interested because I like guntests and if there is something even better I would like to check it out. Thanks.


New member

I do appreciate your comments and I do understand what your concerns are, but I had one of their offers years ago and blew it off cause I didn`t have the money at that time. But if I remember correct they bought their guns off the shelf somewhere, and didn`t take any freebees from the manufactures to test to eliminate any bias.

I guess they use what is the most popular, or whatever they can scrounge up. I don`t think, if I did test on guns I could cover all the manufactures of the same caliber in all brands without having extreme cost involved.


Gun tests was the only subscription I ever had that was actually worth the money, *other than* the NRA magazine(s). It's pretty good and straightforward.
I gave up on GunTests. I thought their articles didn't contribute materially to knowledge. I'd rather have an appraisal by an experienced gunsmith or better yet, someone here at TFL.


New member
Gary,I have to differ with you,I'd prefer a regular off the shelf type of shooter over a gunsmith,I can relate to their point of view easier.I'm currently trying to collect every issue since Issue #1.Surefire U2,got any back issues you want to sell?I have specific issues I need to complete certain years...


New member
The problem with the magazine is they use a very limited amount of ammo to test a gun and usually only 2 or 3 different brands and cheaper brands. Then they will report that the gun is not very accurate. It's an ok magazine, but I will no longer subscribe.


New member
crapper paper

I have gun mags collected since the 70's, but FOR ME, BY FAR (and the only 'gun' mag I still get, except for Front Sight and Handloader) is American Handgunner.

I will (rarely) buy some other rag, but that's just because I need some spice.....


New member
I have subscribed to Gun Tests since 1989 abd have found it very useful. Even The American Rifleman takes factory supplied test guns and I have been burned twice relying on them. The stuff tested by Gun Tests is bought off the shelf just like I would buy it. I haven't been misled yet.


New member
Gun Tests does buy "off the shelf " guns, and when they are done testing, they sell to the you can tell by their prices...they are no gimmies....