Gun Store Carry?

John DR

New member
Trying to get a handle on this, seems some of gun shops in Michigan are prohibiting CCW, and just about all the gun shows.
This board seems to have a good variety of people from all over the United States, how is this handled in your state?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
At my favorite shop everyone is armed; employee's, and
most customer's. Doesn't seem to bother anyone, except
the potential bad guy.:D :cool: :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
"Trying to get a handle on this, seems some of gun shops in Michigan are prohibiting CCW,"

It would seem that of anyone, gunshop owners would trust their customers. Or at least not want to p*ss them off.

"...and just about all the gun shows."

Our local gunshow is the same way. It is about the only place here in Mass I have seen placarded against carrying. Other than those places mentioned in Federal Law.


New member
One word: liability. Also, sometimes the gun shows are held in buildings where the owners demand no loaded guns/carry for insurance or for personal reasons. I have heard a gun shop owner explian why he posts no carry signs by saying that people would come in and pull out a gun to show him for repair or to offer for sale or trade and on a couple of occasions he almost drew his own gun thinking it was a robbery.


New member
The local shops here almost all have signs saying:

ALL weapons must be unloaded and visible EXCEPT for CCW holders. For safety reasons, we ask that if you are a CCW holder and need to unholster your pistol, please leave the shop, unload, and then come back in.

FWIW: I would not shop in a gunstore that would not allow me to carry. Not now, not ever.


New member
I believe.
If it is properly concealed, leave it alone and nobody can holler at you.
If it is open carried, and allowed in store, leave it in the holster.

If you are bringing one in for repair or to be looked at, bring it in empty and open.



New member
I always carry at the local shops, if I need to take out my weapon I make sure to let the guy at the counter know ahead of time, first I tell him "I'm going to reach back and pull my mag out and then I'll hand you my weapon after I clear it" lots less chance of them becoming nervous if you give them the play by play so there's no question what's going on.


Moderator Emeritus
Sign at the local shop says something to the effect of "No handling of loaded weapons off the firing line. Concealed arms are to remain concealed."


New member
In Texas, most places that want to prohibit concealed carry have to display a sign complying with Texas Penal Code 30.06, with specific verbage in both English and Spanish, written in block letters one inch high. A sign that says "No Loaded Guns In Store" has no legal authority behind it as far as concealed handgun license holders are concerned - and the gunshop owners know it. They're more concerned about Joe Deerhunter bringing in a loaded deer rifle to have a 'scope mounted or something.

A dealer that posts a compliant PC30.06 sign will see his business drop significantly.

I understand some gun shows in places like Dallas and Houston have PC30.06 signs posted not by the organizers of the gun show, but by the owners of the property. A gun show promoter that posts such a sign will get none of my business.


New member

You're right. Most shops have no issue here in Houston either if you're a CHL holder.

Gun shows are driven by the owner of the venue. I think they are right to put ty-raps through the chambers too. Just imagine a pissed off gangbanger noticing some rival there at the show with 30 rd magazines, semi autos and defensive shotguns lying everywhere ....could get realy hairy really fast.

I don't have a problem with that at Gun Shows


New member
the sign on the door of the store here in liinois ( NONCCW STATE) states even if you are a LEO , you must either call the shop before entering or display your badge and Id , some of the plainclothes guys whom the managers know , ussually ask to use the bathroom to unholster a loaded weapon when they bring it in to have them look at something .


New member
We're pretty laid back at Blast-O-Rama, and don't mind if you're packing. If you need to take it out, let the staff know before you draw. We'll unload and show clear with, and that's the extent of it.

If you need to bring a gun in for service, bring it in a case or carry it with the action open. Please don't walk in with a gun pointed at the staff. The last guy who did that nearly got to see the business end of a cocked Sig P239.


New member

Actually the law on CCW in Michigan states that ,"No carry in an entertainment facility seating more than 2500 people."
Thats how Michigan does it too you at gun shows