Gun Shows


New member
Yesterday, I went to the local gun show and encountered a brand new restriction, at least to me. A sign that said "NO cameras". Anyone know what this is about?


New member
"they" don't want you snapping pics of a gun and it's price tag so you can run to a store and say "see here's what your competition is asking"

Of course "they" tend to forget every cell phone is a camera.

And the shows I've been to lately have prices higher than the store.



New member
Alternatively, some of the local gun shows in my area have been the target of the anti-gun groups, looking for any evidence of dealing between private individuals as "proof" of the gun show loophole. A couple of years back, the anti-gunners were picketing just outside the fairgrounds gate, playing up to the local news (and the term is used loosely) cameras. Almost lost their news time since the local mayor got clocked by another dissident with a bull-horn. Now THAT was NEWS.


I think it also has to do with that some people are very uncomfortable with buying a gun, uncomfortable owning it; fearing what friends would say, so they want privacy when they look at/buy a gun. At gun shows I often smell strong liquor on people's breaths, as if they need to calm their nerves before encountering the scary guns. Another reason to "No cameras allowed" could be to save the lives. Photographing a person who doesn't want to have his/her photo taken while fondeling with guns and ammo could be just as dangerous as photographing wild lions.


New member
It's so the libs can get THEIR gun fix without fear of being in the paper. They have to buy them somewhere.


tony pasley

New member
Another possible reason is to prevent the quote" undercover reports" by localmedia tring to make up a story against gunshows, like 60 Minutes does.


New member
The show around here have had signs like that up for years. If you ask a dealer before you pull your camera out you may get permission. One time a lady dealer was going to let me take a picture of one of my Grandson's checking out a display, She all the sudden changed her mind. Said that some camera's were powerful enough to read a serial number on the picture. I didn't get it, as who cares:rolleyes:
Other's have given the go ahead.