Gun Shows/Surplus Ammo


New member
Any suggestions on what to look for / stay away from in Surplus 308 and/or 303 that can be found at Gun Shows? I have seen on other threads that the Portugese 308 is good, but I am wondering what experience people have had with other variants?

Thanks! :)

Jamie Young

New member
For .308 these are the best:

British Radway Green
South African

Stay away from just about everything else. Especially the Chilean ammo. I blew out a mag and got a bloody nose the second time I took My FAL out.:mad: I had more scratches than the gun had.:eek:


New member
Well, the gun-show I went to was an "ammo free" zone, so I didn't get to make a purchase. However, I ordered a 200rd battlepack of the Portugese from SOG that showed up today. I'm taking it to the range this weekend, and I'll let you know how it does.

Thanks again for the input!! :D :cool:


New member
Well, I took the Port 308 out to the range and had great results with it today. Shoots about 3 inches higher than the Federal Gold Match that I used to zero the rifle, but holds a pretty tight group with most of the rounds staying inside 1.5-2 inches at 100yds (excepting the occasional operator error....) ;)

Thanks again for the feedback on this!


Ceol Mhor

New member
For .303:

I've got both Greek surplus and South Arfican surplus. I've shot up probably about 400 rounds of the Greek, and it's been flawless (it's reloadable, too). I've only used a few rounds of the SA, but it's been fine so far as well. Of the two, the Greek looks better - brighter and less tarnished. It also came in bandoliers and stripper clips. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much of it available. The SA is really cheap - I got mine from AIM Surplus ( for $7/box of 50.

The one kind of .303 I would avoid is AmmunitionStore's .303 AP. I bought some and sectioned one of the bullets - it's actually pulled .30-06 AP bullets reloaded into WWII-era .303 cases. It should work decently in a good rifle, but I wouldn't chance it. Unfortunately, genuine .303 AP runs about $1/round when you can find it.

My .308 experience is limited to Portugese, which has worked fine in my Vepr .308. It's Berdan primed though, unfortunately.


New member
An ammo-free gun show??? Man, that's sad.
The HGCA keeps threatening to allow ammo sales again, but they keep back-pedaling.

Their former hosts at the Astro Hall made the no ammo rule after an idiot chambered and fired a bullet several years ago. It doesn't necessarily hold with the new facility, but the HGCA is wary about bucking the system.

However, they need to do something quickly... their membership is flagging and the last two shows, despite being in the newer, prettier facility, have been kinda poor.


New member
Somethin else to look for - if the box isn't obviously labeled for what you're buying - open it!

I once purchased 1000rds of Port 308. Got home, opened the crate to put it in ammo cans, it was Chilean, of the worse kind no less - 71-75.



New member
It blew me away, frankly.... I asked and they said it was a safety thing, didn't want people loading up inside the show....

I have been to other shows, however, that did sell ammo.


New member
I have been to other shows, however, that did sell ammo.
Right... in the Reliant Arena just behind the Hall (High Caliber Shows, as Saxet [some say thankfully] only seems to get as far as Conroe now), the GRB, and in Pasadena (again, usually High Caliber, though sometimes Pasadena goes rogue and has their own show or invites Saxet). Again, the "owners" of the Hall were a little over-reactionary. Coupled with the tenderfoot nature of the HGCA honchos, it may be awhile. They keep saying "next show." I'll believe it when the SGN ads stop saying "NO AMMO."


New member
Not at reliant, but at the George R. Brown about a month ago they had one that did have ammo. (Don't remember who was putting it on....) Wish I had done my homework before that show, as there were several ammo dealers. Also went to one in the Astro Hall about 6 months ago and bought some S&B 303 ammo. I was actually surprised not to find ammo at this latest one.....