Gun Show ??


New member
Hi Everyone
I have never been to a gun show. I hope to go the next time there is one near me. Do the prices for new guns like S&W revolvers and Kel-Tecs differ (much lower) than my local dealers? Is it an all cash deal or is plastic ok? I thank you.

Steve :D


New member
Prices -- depends on your local dealers. Dealers in my area are pretty competitive and, therefore, prices on new guns at gun shows are not that much lower.

Cash or plastic -- all except smallest deaers will normally take plastic. Some will give you a cash discount on major purchases because they don't have to pay merchant fees.

I find more differences in used firearms than in new ones. Also, you can sometimes find things a local dealer might not have.


New member
Its a good idea to know general prices before you go. Every once in a while, you'll find a great deal (shoulda bought that saiga 308 for $340 when i had the chance), but also lots of stuff which is overpriced.

THe last gunshow i went to sucked. . . not a lot of variety, mostly overpriced guns. But if its a good gunshow, its worth the price of admission just to look. And be sure to have some of the wonderful food ;)


roy reali

New member
No Bargins Here

Gun shows around here rarely offer any bargains. There are folks selling used guns at prices exceeding new guns. I am not talking about collector items or antiques, just old guns. Might as well get a new gun, at least you get a warranty.