Gun Show score


New member
I was on a long weekend vacation with the wife celebrating our 34th anniversary and rain spoiled some of our plans. There was a small gun show 1 block away from where we were staying so we popped in for something to do. I always check for Astra Constable II magazines since they are almost as rare as hens teeth. To my surprise this one vendor actually had one, original, not aftermarket for only $20. I jumped on it. I know it does not sound like a major item, but anyone who owns one knows how hard it is to find magazines for these things.:D
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New member
Heck , most the gun guys I know have never heard of Astra. I've been trying to sell my Astra model 600 for years. Good score on finding a mag as I've never come across one for mine.


New member

Where are the computer folk as far as developing the technology where you take apart something (like a magazine) scan in the parts at one end and the CAD software and CNC machinery and 3-D printers pop out a new magazine at the other end. (For a 'reasonable' price.)

I think the computer folk promised this once upon a time...but they also promised 'artificial intelligence' (I'd settle for some natural intelligence.) And classrooms run totally by computers.

Oh, great work finding your magazine. Now the you buy a Lotto ticket thinking you are on a roll or do you figure you've used up all your luck for the week?