Gun Show report....


Active member
I just wanted to report my thoughts on a gunshow I attended this weekend. Just some observations and trends that I noticed.

1. AR15's - the quantity of AR15's, accessories, lower receivers and upper receivers was overwhelming. I'm not in the market for an AR15, but if I were, I'd be licking my chops because there is most certainly a glut of AR15's out there. I'd say that we are in an AR15 bubble. In fact, I'd seriously think about renaming this event from "gunshow" to an "AR15 show".

2. Lots of new handguns being sold by dealers. Taurus, Sig, Glock, Springfield, Smith & Wesson - nothing really new here.

3. I was looking for an HK P7M13 - not one in sight, though I saw about 4 8round P'7's. One guy tried to convince me that the P7M13 was a piece of junk and that only a fool would buy them because the special opps only uses the M8. Oooookay, moving on....

4. I fondled one Sig X-Five - it was the model that didn't have the adjustable trigger. Sticker price was $500 over what you could find on the internet. It is a heavy gun, but a truly admirable piece of work! I enjoyed handling it. I also was able to compare it to the all stainless Sig .40S&W - The X-Five is definitely a cut above even those. My itch for an X-Five has become more severe!

5. There was a small amount of class III stuff - mostly MAC's and a few suppressors.

6. Lots of 1911's - I'd say the most common type of gun, next to AR15's (probably even more, but because they are small, they don't get your attention as quickly). Everyone had their 1911's priced like they were brand new, top shelf custom builds.

7. I heard plenty of advice being thrown around - most of it ranging from slightly wrong to absurdly wrong. I kept my mouth shut - as none of it concerned me.

8. I saw a guy who looked like he couldn't have been more than 12 years old, try to buy a 12 gauge "tactical" shotgun from a guy walking around with it. That conversation was interesting, so I stood by and listened for a short spell. I know, that was pretty rude, but what the heck - it was entertaing. The shotgun guy didn't end up selling it to the could hear in his voice that he didn't even want to show it to him.

9. I overheard an interesting conversation between a guy who was selling .22 "assault" pistols together with the collapsible stock that was made for it. Of course, he didn't have these stocks installed (just sitting right next to the gun), and he did give one of his customers the NFA warning that "technically" if it were to be installed it wouldn't be legal - and he did mention that it could be registered as an SBR. I heard enough without opening my mouth, so I just moved on.

10. I picked up from some dealer conversation that there were lots of lookers but not many buyers.

11. I saw no "fair" deals on ammunition - IMHO, it was all overpriced, based on what I can buy it for on the internet + shipping cost.

All in all, it was not a very interesting show to me. There was a lack of higher end pistols, shotguns, and even rifles. The Hunting rifles that I looked at were pricey for the rough condition they were in. I did see a number of Sig 556 rifles (and pistols) - I'm thinking that the prices on these might fall, and if they do, I'll probably buy one.

PS - one more thing that I did find interesting (another thread reminded me of this). There is a really nice rail-mount foregrip out with an internal bipod. This particular foregrip is of far better quality than the grip-bipods that have been out for awhile (can't remember the name). One guy had them for $75, another guy had them for $120 - go figure. I didn't buy one, but I came real close - good piece of equipment.

PS#2....How could I have forgotten this one! The funniest thing I saw was a boy from the "hood" walking around with a Desert Eagle stuffed down the front of his pants - first, it had to be unloaded. Second, that just goes to show y'all that Deagles can be used for conceald carry - (eventhough this one wasn't concealed)!
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New member
I have never been to a gun show because of stories like this, and I don't think I will ever bother going to one even if its in my backyard.

Just the overprice alone would deter me from even bothering.

It seems to me like these gun shows are just to take advantage of people who are relatively unfamiliar with firearms and rip them off.


New member
I went to the Fun Show in San Antonio on Saturday. Lots and lots o' junk. I saw one table with 6920s for 1199 and 6940s for around 1350. Like you said, lots of accessories, but some Magpul stuff had mindboggling markups. There seemed to be plethora of autopistols at reasonable prices and of course the usual tables of trinkets and jerky. Ammo was higher than if I had ordered from AIM and paid shipping.
I did pick up a AK sight adjustment tool.


New member
I am going to the one in Lexington this weekend to sell.

Good place to raise some cash. As long as you stay a little under what they are asking for an item on the tables it will sell. Someone will think they are getting a GOOD deal.


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Blondie.357 said:
I have never been to a gun show because of stories like this, and I don't think I will ever bother going to one even if its in my backyard.

Just the overprice alone would deter me from even bothering.

It seems to me like these gun shows are just to take advantage of people who are relatively unfamiliar with firearms and rip them off.

The quality of the event, the offerings therein and the sanity of the prices vary greatly based on location around the country. It's worth going, at least once, you might have decent shows in your area.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The San Antonio show, like RT said, was pretty decent. Lots of stuff, gun prices were becoming reasonable. Ammo scant.

Some areas might be bad but TX big shows are usually fun.

If the gun show is in my backyard - I'll try to take everything in the house.

Besides, you meet up with friends - look at stuff - have some laughs. Never say, never.


New member
Gun shows are fun. I watch people as much as I look at guns. Great place to entertain yourself. Ask some clerk some technical question and watch him bite on the bait....sometimes I wish I were wearing Depends because I laugh so hard.

There are deals to be had at most any just have to be educated in what you want to buy. Most deals are at the end of the show...last day, last hour or two. These guys don't want to carry their stuff back to the truck and they at least want to cover their entry fees. If not a lot of business, they get hungry and will deal. Just be smart.

Couple of months ago I "cliqued" with an ammo dealer. (The fact that I left about $1100 with him may have had something to do with it.) I now buy all my ammo from him and I get great deals. The lesson to be learned is some dealers travel the gun show circuit and make the stop at the same city all the time a show is going on...usually every two months down here in South Florida. I buy all my ammo and the ammo for my gun club from him and I get the best prices anywhere. (Again, each purchase is usually in excess of $1000) Funny to see the looks of the other attendees when they see the handtruck behind me with case after case of ammo.


Active member
There are deals to be had at most any just have to be educated in what you want to buy. Most deals are at the end of the show...last day, last hour or two. These guys don't want to carry their stuff back to the truck and they at least want to cover their entry fees. If not a lot of business, they get hungry and will deal. Just be smart.

This is very true!! I always go on Sunday after about 12:00. Some folks think being the first one there will find them all the treasures. Not so - the dealers will still be there looking for the real good deals first. All the genuine good deals are discoverd after noon Sunday. You have to know what you want and not pay any attention to price tags.

My problem was that I couldn't find anything I was looking for. But, what I'm looking for isn't all that common either. And, to be fair, I did find a few P7 8 rounders. And I did find an X-Five, but I knew the dealer and he wouldn't have dropped his price enough to make it worth my while.

I hope no one thought that I did this as a criticism of gun shows - that wasn't intended. I was really just reporting my impressions of this latest gun show - hadn't been to one in almost a year. There were plenty of entertaining folks and comments to make it worth the price of admitance. And, I did enjoy fondling the one X-Five I found.


New member
Houston Show

I was at the Houston High Caliber Gun show this weekend. Like you noted, there were AR-15 guns & parts out the wazoo there. Not much in the way of hunting rifles. Plenty of ammo which demand but not price seemed to be down. One booth had cases of the Academy Sports store brand for sale for about double the price. There are 4 dealers who are regulars at this show and their inventory was way down. I'm asumming this was due to end of the inventory draw down and waiting to restock for the new year. With the downturn in the economy, there were deals to be had on used guns. I picked up a couple of Colts from guys who had been out of work for a while. The busiest booths seem to be the title II & title III guys.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
A guy I know at Bass Pro says dealers come in before gun shows and buy the high end rounds and then resell them at the gun shows.

Does good just to shop around.