Gun show prices

Don P

New member
At the local gun show this weekend. As usual 99% of the sellers were very proud of the guns for sale ( prices high ). Most were at MSRP and a few were above that. Magazines for Beretta's selling at $49.95 for a 96 mag.:eek:
Winchester primers, large or small $40 per 1K.:eek: Unique 8# keg $145,:eek: Titegroup 8# keg $ 150:eek:
On the bright side there was a vendor selling holsters and belts very reasonable. Belts at $25 made to your size. I forget the thickness but do remember he stated Bridal leather thickness.
Speaking with a friend today who is a FFL and we both seem to agree that now that prices are up they will only drop a little in the future. Sort of along the lines of the price of gasoline. The days of 29 cent per gallon will never be seen again.:eek:


New member
dealers are there to make a living. that being said, they must be living like bums if the rely mainly on gun sales. the local dealers are not selling anything at the shows. they ALL have way overpriced new or used guns. one particular dealer has had the very same used Glocks in a case...all priced about $25 below new...since i started looking at Glocks 4 years ago. another dealer that i personally know says that he quit selling at gun shows because possible buyers were too cheap to pay fair prices:rolleyes:

dealers are milking off the gun buying frenzy way too hard. the wise buyers are making online purchases, or privately buying from other owners.

now that i'm done ranting, i have to brag about the deal i got at the show in Collinsville Il. over the weekend...a hard to find 3" barrelled S&W 66-4. and i didn't buy it from a dealer. a gentleman had brought a couple of firearms to sell, i gladly bought the 66 from him for the measly sum of $450. a private sale, no taxes. greedy dealers would have had it priced at $750+
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Most of the vendors here a few weeks ago were still somewhat high on weapons but the ammo vendors were getting more sensible. I noticed some were way out of line of the first day but were more reasonable on the second day. That might have something to do with a vendor out of Georgia being priced very well and doing the most business.


Just had a show in Rochester Ny this weekend. Overall prices weren't too bad. You could find good deals on ammo, or you could get ripped off, all depends on whose table you visited. I actually turned down some speer gold dot 155's in .40 at $40 bucks a box of 50 because one of my local shops is clearing them at $35. You should have seen the look on the dealers face when I told him they were too much.

I did wind up buying 5 pre-ban glock mags at $30 bucks a piece. The cheapest I've ever seen them available was $69 at my local store, which is much better than the $85 on gun broker.
A couple of years ago I was finding very decent deals at gunshows.

Shops in Northern Virginia tend to be pretty high, but the shows would attract a lot of dealers from areas where prices are a lot more reasonable.

However, a few years ago prices started to spike to the point where gunshow deals are VERY few and VERY far between.

In some cases, out of area dealers have prices far higher than our local gun shops.


New member
same show

540 I was at that show this weekend also, infact it was my 2 boys first gun show. To be honest I felt MOST of the venders were priced reasonabley, there was few over priced tables, but they didn't seem to be selling guns to any one either. I got a good deal on a Savage 10, and picked up some things I needed cheaper that I could get them online. Well just my thoughts anyway.


New member
One in Phoenix Az

The Gun Show in Phoenix this weekend was the same way.
very high in the prices.
There were some deals too be seen.


New member
here i am thinking I can go to a gun show and get a deal on a .22 plinker and this makes me wonder if I should bother. maybe I can find a used one for cheap


New member
Last two guns I got at a show, I bought from guys walking the floor. Usually those guys can be high too, they think they can sell for alot more than they paid for the guns 5 years ago, or something. Apparently look at the dealers tables to get price advice. But these two guys were getting tired of dragging around the guns that no one wanted and I payed more than a dealer would, and plenty less than a dealer would ask. I have not gotten motivated to go to the last few shows, though. Just same old stuff overpriced and so much plastic. Ugh. I need to get out of town and see if any other states got better gun shows. I bet out west they do. Except too far west as in Kalipornia.


New member
A week ago I went to a small show (maybe 20 tables) in the small town where my business is located. Was hoping to maybe find a deal on either a Glock 26 or an XD9 sub compact. There were no Glocks and the one XD9 SC was priced $80 higher than at a local gun shop!!:barf:


I bought a stainless10/22 with synthetic stock at a show last month for $150 OTD from a private sale table. I was waiting at the door awhen the show opened.


New member
I see much better deals out in the parking lot of gun shows...... and I don't have to pay 10$-$20 for the 'privilege' of buying from the guys on the inside.

I like to go to some gunshows but refuse to actuall enter the building anymore.

My local gunshop doesn't charge me admission and he has same or better prices than what I saw at the last 2 shows I actually PAID to look.


New member
Last one I went to was in January and most people bumped their noggin. but to be honest I dont go to spend money but rather to look around and eat jerky

Uncle Buck

New member
My local gunshop doesn't charge me admission and he has same or better prices than what I saw at the last 2 shows I actually PAID to look.

That is why I try to use my local shops when-ever possible. Sometimes I might pay a little more, but the money stays local, the shop owner stays in business and I do not have to wait 2 months every time I want to go to the gun shop.

I get upset with the guys who bemoan the prices at local gun shops (When they are reasonable, all things considered) but have no problem traveling an hour to the gun show, paying $10.00 just to get in, and then find such a great deal on a gun or accessory in which they saved $5.00.

Now I do know you can find some good deals at these gun shows and they are almost always fun to go to. But when it actually comes to buying a gun at one, I wonder what the local dealer can get it and resell it to me for? I have picked up some guns at shows when my local shop tells me it would cost me an extra $100+ if I bought it through them.

The example of the magazines is a good one. He saved $39 each. I would have bought them also if I needed/wanted them. But if he would have only saved only $5 - $9 each, would it have been worth it? Also, these gun shows have a very poor :cool: return policy if the item you bought does not work or fit.

If you can, try to support your local gun shops.

Don P

New member
That is going to be one hell of an interesting honeymoon...

It's bridle...
Whoops, my error and tanks for pointing it out.;)
I try to attend the local gun shows just so they keep having them. We stop going- they stop having the shows. Some bargains are to be had we just have to be edgeamacaded as to prices. Cleaning supplies are usually priced right as well as some of the private sales.


New member
prices are just plain silly

when you stroll the isles you can always hope to find a person who has something to sell the dealers are just plain crazy ! the ammo guys are the worst, ammo they bought at wallmart then double the price & now the entry & parking fee's make it even worse . well thats how it is in Florida there were some decent shows but they are long gone I have seen better deals at flea markets & the newspaper and even tag sales.


Active member
I pretty much just glaze by the dealer tables at gun shows. I know that if I ever decide to take a table out at a gun show and liquidate part of my collection of guns, the prices will be set to sell.

Every now and then, I'll take a gun to a gunshow to sell that I no longer want for whatever reason. I've never taken a gun to a gun show that I've had for sale and not sold it within 2 hours. I know exactly where to price the gun - just above what a dealer would try to pay for it...but where it makes even a dealer think twice before passing on it. Most (honest) dealers will say something like "your price is good, it should sell....if you want to sell it right now I'll give you ....(usually .75 of your asking price). After you say no thanks, some will ask you to come back if it doesn't sell. At that point, I'm fairly confident that I've got it priced just right. I haven't had to do the "walk of shame" for lack of selling what I intended to sell yet.


New member
I pretty much just glaze by the dealer tables at gun shows. I know that if I ever decide to take a table out at a gun show and liquidate part of my collection of guns, the prices will be set to sell.

Every now and then, I'll take a gun to a gunshow to sell that I no longer want for whatever reason. I've never taken a gun to a gun show that I've had for sale and not sold it within 2 hours. I know exactly where to price the gun - just above what a dealer would try to pay for it...but where it makes even a dealer think twice before passing on it. Most (honest) dealers will say something like "your price is good, it should sell....if you want to sell it right now I'll give you ....(usually .75 of your asking price). After you say no thanks, some will ask you to come back if it doesn't sell. At that point, I'm fairly confident that I've got it priced just right. I haven't had to do the "walk of shame" for lack of selling what I intended to sell yet.

More people like you should show up for shows around me! Usually when I am there, the prices are so inflated it's borderline insane. Some tables had used guns for 100-150 more than what a local store charges for brand new.

That's not to say that deals can't be found... you just have to look for them and haggle.