Gun show loophole??


New member
This question stems from something I saw in another thread. I've heard for years from legislators about this evil and widely used "gun show loophole"? What exactly is it supposed to be? Maybe I'm dense, but if I buy at a gun show from a dealer I fill out the same paperwork as in the store. If I buy from an individual I don't fill out any paperwork, just like if I answer a for sale ad in the newspaper. So where is the loophole? I see nobody getting around any laws by using any loophole. I see people following the law as it's written? Am I dense or is there a loophole I don't know about?

BTW: My wife says I'm dense:rolleyes:

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Don, the loophole, so-called, is because in many states, a private, face-to-face transfer at a gunshow does not require a NICS check. "They" want to require any gun transfer that occurs at a gun show to have NICS checks.

It's simply a stepping stone to outlaw private sales of guns without having to go through a NICS check (usually by a dealer and usually for a fee).


New member
Don, the loophole, so-called, is because in many states, a private, face-to-face transfer at a gunshow does not require a NICS check. "They" want to require any gun transfer that occurs at a gun show to have NICS checks.

That's my point though, it's not a loophole. Because those same states that don't require checks at gunshows for ftf transactions also don't require checks for ftf transactions with your neighbor.
I guess my point being, it's just one more example of the misleading anti 2A lexicon. For those that didn't know better they would actually think there was some kind of actual loophole.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Don said:
For those that didn't know better they would actually think there was some kind of actual loophole.
Yup. In a nutshell, most poeple don't know the laws of their own State. They are ready to believe in the "loophole" if some authority tells them that it exists and is a bad thing.