Gun Show at the Hampton Coliseum

Doc Hoy

New member
Two day event. I got there at about 11:00 am today, the first day.

Line for tickets was not long at all. Event hall was packed. The local guy who generally does the shows with ammunition and supplies was not there. He may be doing well enough out of his house that he does not have the stock for shows.

Georgia Arms and Ammo always shows up and they were the ones with most of the ammunition.

Bought the .44 Magnum dies I have been needing. Once fired .44 Magnum brass was 12.00 a hundred and .44 Magnum reloads were 25.00 for fifty. Picked up a bag of each.

Also bought a .45-70 trapdoor which the vendor was selling as a parts gun. I gave 60 dollars for it. It is largely complete but not in great shape.

I'll post some photos of it soon. This is going to be another carbine conversion. One of these days, I will have enough of these things that I will be willing to sell one.

Doc Hoy

New member
Some photos of the latest trapdoor

This started life as a rifle. serial number is 18 XXXX

The rifle is largely complete.


Doc Hoy

New member
Some more photos

This one is out of focus. One of these days I am going to figure out how to take photographs.

You can see that the stock has been unceremoniously sawed off.


Doc Hoy

New member
There are several parts that are missing

The rifle is missing the blade from the front sight. The barrel band is gone. You can see in the photo that it has a barrel band which was made up from a hunk of a brass pipe.

It has a Buffington rear sight but only the base of the sight is present. It still moves.

The breach block is missing the cam and thumb latch and spring.

The receiver is missing the extractor spring and plunger and the extractor is broken and needs to be replaced.

The hammer screw is missing.

It needs a new firing pin, but I made the last one and I think I can do that again. I am going to cut the barrel and so a new front sight will be part of that.

This is a two position tumbler and the lock appears to work perfectly.


New member
Nice one doc. Wish I could find something like that around here. every time I see one some goon has it selling it as a priceless relic for $1000 +


New member
I was there with my daughter today. I went looking for a .243 Savage BVSS and didn't come close. Saw one table with a few reloading supplies on it. It was ok I guess. Don't feel like I wasted my $$$$.

Bill Akins

New member
If all it will cost you to restore it is $210.00, that's great. Then you'll have a nice piece without a lot of money in it. Can't wait to see the results when you finish it Doc.


Doc Hoy

New member
Nature boy...

Saw a fellow with a youngster about eight or nine. Gentleman was about 6 feet 3 inches. Orange shirt.

Might that have been you?

Doc Hoy

New member

I have plenty of time to look for deals on parts on evil bay or GB

Got my eyes on two auctions on eBay that have the potential to reduce the cost a bit.

Doc Hoy

New member
Mattshlock et al....

I took a real close look at the tumbler on the rifle and if you look very closely there is what could be the remnants of a middle stop on the tumbler.

I may be replacing the tumbler just in case.
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