Gun shops


New member
We spend a lot of time complaining where we cannot carry our weapons. In states with concealed weapons laws you usually cannot carry into publicly owned buildings, school zones (including colleges and universities), state, and federally owned buildings.
In addition, we complain when private establishments post that our concealed weapons are not welcome.

But I have seen no complaints that gun stores, at least here in Atlanta, do not allow you to carry a loaded weapon. Why is that? The same self defense arguements apply. I still need to get to and from my car, and have the same issues with removing/replacing my gun. Are we more likely to get in heated arguements in gun stores? Can this really help store employees to identify potential criminals? What is the purpose to this rule, and why do we not speak out against this?


New member
i have not heard of that. but if there is a city ordinance or state ordinance against carrying concealed, then a gun store has to follow the rules. but if there is no ordinance and the gun store still doesn't allow ccw, find another place to shop.
It's been addressed here a couple of times, I think.

The owner of store where I used to work went one farther... He wouldn't let ANYONE - staff or customer - carry, he said the video surveilance system was enough.

Funny thing about it, though, was one evening we had a gun walk out the door from the rental cabinet, so the cops wanted the surveilance tape. Turns out he was either too lazy or too cheap to run the system.

The next day EVERY counter employee was carrying a gun covertly, with the agreement that the owner could go straight to hell if he didn't like it.


Since I was old enough to go in, I don't think I've ever been in a gun store (outside of Wally World or a place like that) that I didn't know or presume that the person(s) behind the counter was/were armed. It always seemed prudent, to me.

When I carried (in other, more trusting states than Missouri, LIKE CALIFORNIA, for cryin' out loud!), I unloaded before going in only if I intended to drag out the hogleg for some reason. If not, it was loaded, and it was my business. It was really concealed, and no one else knew (or cared).

Here, in the 'brain-dead-on-concealed-weapons-and-taxes' but otherwise ok State of MO., since I won't bother sucking up to whoever could slap a badge on me, call me a 'reserve officer', and make me legal, it's unloaded if it goes in, because it was unloaded in the car, blah, blah, etc., etc.:barf: