Gun shopping with my Daughter


New member
After whining to my 14yr old daughter for several weeks about how I won't have anyone to go shooting with anymore since both of my sons leave for college this fall, she said she would be happy to go. Not that I had to, but I even threw in a bribe of sorts of buying her her own gun.

She had been shooting with the boys and I since she was 7 or so and really liked my sons ruger 10/22. I tried and tried to talk her into one of those for a long time, but somehow, school, volleyball, basketball, track, show choir, dance, and now, BOYS of all things, have taken most of her time.

But as I said, a little whining, a little pouting, and some woe is me, worked wonders on my daughter. So the next time we had to go to some store for shoes or a dress or whatever, somehow, her and I ended up at the local gun shop of all places. What I thought would be a simple, "ok, I like that one", ended up being an hour long comparison between the black and pink Ruger 10/22 and the silver and pink Ruger 10/22. First it was the silver one cause it was prettier, then it was the black one cause the silver one had black screws, then the silver one, then the black one cause the silver one had a black buttplate, back and forth, back and forth.

Eventually she went with the black and pink one, and the difference in price will let me get a decent scope sooner. Obviously, I will have to set aside an hour or so for her to pick the appropriate scope, based on screw colors, knobs, rings, and all that important stuff.

Sheesh! And I thought it took them forever to pick out a dress or pair of shoes! :D


Active member
Sounds like your daughter is a pretty logical person to me. It can take me up to 6 months, several gun shops and lots of wasteful internet browsing to purchase a gun sometimes.:D She did it in just one hour and one trip to one gun store!!


New member
Thanks for the story. Maybe I'll bookmark it when someone starts posting about all the colors guns come in these days. If it helps get someone involved with shooting, it's a good thing.


New member
I feel your pain my friend,,,

A few months ago I took a lady friend shopping for her handgun,,,
I had planned on going to three different gun stores,,,
We had looked at pics & specs online.

Choosing the gun was easy,,,
She liked the look and feel of the SP-101,,,
That was chosen and paid for after 15 minutes in the 3rd store.

Choosing a holster was another story altogether!

I've been a single man for over 14 years now,,,
I had forgotten the all day trips to buy one pair of shoes,,,
She tried on every available holster each store had at least two times.

I'm taking pics with the digital camera of each one,,,
Then we go to lunch where she spends an hour looking at pics,,,
Then back to the stores we go as she does the second round of trials.

4 hours after she bought the Ruger she had it narrowed down to five,,,
I took more pictures from every angle conceivable,,,
We actually went home with two holsters,,,
And one handgun purse.

And I make custom holsters for crying out loud!,,,
I could have carved and sewn one in the time it took her to choose.

Can't live with em,,,
Can't stuff em in a sack!


New member
I quit shopping with my wife long ago; my nerves can't take it. She did do well buying a gun, looked around for 45 minutes or so and decided. Clothes or shoes can take a full day, 12 stores or more in 2 cities. Sometimes it carries over to another day while she checks out what's already in the closet, what it will match, etc.