Gun Shop Sticker Shock! Sig 229


New member
First, I believe in a free market system. Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Well, I had the opportunity to stop in a gunshop in town today. I have been there before, and purchased only ammo and targets etc. because the guy is absurdly high in his prices on all guns, but he is close by.

I glanced in the case and saw a used blue Sig 229 with night sights. Price?

$ 1099.00



New member
Went into a store last week to look at the Kel Tec sub 2000. Salesman told me he had a new one and a used one - the used one could be had for just $400 (about $20 over FULL RETAIL).

I was also advised I should get the Glock version instead of the S&W version because 'Glock high caps are cheaper and easier to find' :rolleyes:


New member
Careful, if you get some of that bad crack you might think those prices are good.

Wonder how much he wants for a USP?

Eric Larsen

New member
Ive posted this before but its been a while. At a Crossroads of the West :rolleyes: gunshow a while back. This 'crotchety" looking old man had a couple of beat up guns...old smiths and a s/auto. He didnt even look like he wanted to talk to anyone....mean scowl on his face. After walking by his table a couple of times...I actually looked and there was an older Sig...
Surface rust, holster wear...hadnt been cleaned in EONS :eek:
I picked it up and the mag release was rusted in place...I got it to budge after a minute....Im thinking with a HELL OF ALOT OF CLEAN UP....maybe?
I asked him how much he wanted for it....he stand up and says "Well son..thats the finest weapon in the world!" I said...I know what it much is it? "Well that fine gun right there is 600.00$ firm. Cash only!" My eyes went :eek: my dad who was with me and a class 3 dealers eyes went :eek: :eek:
I said $600.00 for that? Thats expensive rust!"
"Well, I can already tell you dont know anything about guns dont know what it is!....Son, thats a SIG!" Ok, hmmmmm
I say to my dad, alittle loud intentionally...Whats your cost on a new 229?....he replies louder than me....around $500.00"........
And adds " and thats with shipping too" as we walk away.....
I didnt mean to be smart ass...just wanted to make a point to this old people fathers...:D
Shoot well


New member
I wonder how some people stay in business. I had one gun shop owner tell me that a new Beretta 92 would not accept standard 15 round magazines and that I should buy a Sig because of this. He also said that it was illegal to make a gun that accepts "hi-capacity" magazines after 1998.

I tuned him out at this point.



New member
If someone can sell a Bonds 73rd homerun baseball for a million, they could sell the 229 at whatever price they want...

All they need is a taker, right? ;)


New member
We have the same kind of shop in the town that I live in. I stop by occasionally when I am looking at mandolins (it's a dept. store) and always drift by the gun section. They routinely have absurdly high prices and i have NEVER bought anything from them.
How about this: Glock 17 for a measely $725 (no Hicaps), a S&W 4563TSW for $950, and lastly a Kimber Eclipse full size for $1375. How does that grab ya?



New member
I also do not understand some of these people on auction sites. If you go to gunbroker and look long enough you will see people asking prices for guns that you think that they are high on something. I recently seen a Beretta 92 Elite 2 with the "Buy Now" option for $950. What was so dumb of the guy is that there were 3 or 4 more listed at $700-$725. You would think he would get the message that he was way too high but I have seen him on there many times after that with the same thing listed at the same price.
People with used guns also tee me off. I know that no one wants to take a beating on selling a gun but that does not excuse the fact that these people want to sell their USED guns for $20 less than what they are new. The message needs to get out to these people that once the gun is fired it is USED.
I guess the market will sort these things out eventually. I know if they are depending on me to make a living they are in a bad way.



New member
The guy who runs the shop at the local Galyan's does the same thing. I tell him I want some Speer Gold Dot 124. He tells me that I really want Federal--"it's better in the tests." I don't even bother discussing "the tests." I tell him that I know my pistol likes the Speer, so I use that. He asks what kind of pistol it is. "CZ 75B," I tell him. "Oh yeah, those are finicky with the ammo." (Again, I don't bother...) He turns to the other guy behind the counter and explains to him that my CZ is "based on the Tangfolio and the Baby Eagle."

They really need to put those guys in the outerwear section so they can make up brand new nonsense.

Good thing their prices are too high. Now I don't have to bother going back.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
No Way! Jose-

I paid $760.00 for a Sig P229 NIB w/factory night
sight's back in December of 1995; and I thought
that was awful!:( :eek: :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I've been in gun shops where EVERY pistol what marked to way over retail. It's quite shocking, and the store owners -appear- oblivious to that!

I was just in a store the other day that had a USED CZ PCR, with a very gritty trigger that was labelled as $550. I swear they think we just fell off the turnip truck! :D



New member
I'm most confused by shops that overprice their guns in a town with a dozen other shops in town selling the same gun for far less. One shop in my town routinely charges $50 more per $500 of cost than any other store in town (i.e., a $1000 gun will cost $1100).

And somehow, THIS is the store with two locations and a nicer look to it than any other. But to save this kind of cash, I'll gladly shop in small, overflowing shop without flourescent lighting.


Was this SIG P229 perhaps a sport model? If so, that price is high but well within negotiating range.

If it's a stock P229, the price is outrageously high.

Went into a store last week to look at the Kel Tec sub 2000. Salesman told me he had a new one and a used one - the used one could be had for just $400 (about $20 over FULL RETAIL). -- bastiat
What was the price on the new one? And were both of these Sub-2k's or was the used one a Sub-9.

Big difference in suggested retail for the two models...the newer Sub-2k is usually $100-150 less.


New member
There is an old fart gun shop near me that sold me my glock for $10 over his cost. I can not remember exactly but it was the cheapest I could find. The guy is halarious and hangs out in the gun shop smokin pipes with his buddies.

If you are in the area go check him out.

Saddleback Valley Gun Ctr
27601 Forbes Rd # 17, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Phone: (949) 582-9581