Gun Sales ...


New member
Went to the local Cabela's yesterday and could not believe the crowds of people buying guns. Incredible. The salesman all said since the elections sales have been through the roof. They've sold almost all their Assault style rifles and most anything else that would currently worry firearm enthusiasts about being targeted for bans. A friend of my son's is a FFL and the gunshow last week he said was there busiest in over 10 years , since the Clinton days.

He was completely sold out of all AR-15 supplies except a few magazines that my son and I bought. ALL ammo was gone and he said if you can find it , buy it as .223 is going FAST. Cabela's had nothing but remanufactured junk .223 left.

Anyone else seeing this? I'd heard news stories about this but hadn't seen it for myself.


The media says it is normal..hunting season ya know...nothing to do with potential gun laws changing.
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New member
It is just like the days before the AWB I always said Bill Clinton was the best dam gun saleman


New member
Would seem so ... I think just as a precaution , stocking up on some .223 might not be such a bad idea. :eek:


New member
Funny, I put this together a few days ago for an email.


A/C Guy

New member
I bet Cheaper than Dirt would love to have that pic; maybe in high res so that they could make a poster for their store. Their sales have exceed $100,000 / day following the election. When interviewed on national tv, they gave Pres elect Obama all the credit.


New member
I wonder if GM and Chrysler would get the idea to retool their factories for AR15's, AK's, and 1911's like they did in WW2. It worked quite well and now would be a great time for them to cash in on the opportunity.


New member
Well I'm not in a big rush. This panic will only make prices climb and decrease availability in the short term. Everything will come crashing back down when people realize that the panic was stupid.


New member
went to the gun show in Austin Saturday ... it was mobbed ... the stand where I usually get reloaded ammo for the range was almost completely sold out, got only one bag of 100 .38s, they are normally loaded with product in every caliber. Found a gun I wanted but the paperwork line was about an hour long so gave up .... might be a little premature, but no way is the run on guns unwarranted ... great picture of Obama, btw ... LOL