Gun Safe Humidity Question


New member
I have 2 Liberty safes and was curious if my current humidity levels are acceptable. What is the acceptable range of humidity for safes?

The 9.5 cubic feet safe with 12" unknown silver brand rod inside my bedroom closet is running 73F - 56%

The 24.8 cubic feet safe with 18" Golden Rod Gunsaver inside a insulated climate controlled room inside a garage is running 71F - 55%

five x five

New member
I have silica packs in mine. Part of the question would be what material are your stock made of? Wood isn't happy with big swings in temp/humidity. So now accuracy play into the mix. I only have two wood stock rifles in the safe, but I do have some guitars that aren't replaceable. Luthiers are as sticky about moisture content as gunsmiths are about trigger action!!
All that to say, stable and consistent are best, but as soon as you open the safe, it's a whole new game.


Active member
The humidity in my gun safe runs about 65% - I use a goldenrod and have never had any problem whatsoever. FWIW, I bought the goldenrod in 1995 - still working today.


New member
Heat rods do not control humidity, they control the dewpoint by keeping the inside of the safe warmer than the outside. Therefore, the RH can get fairly high and still not form moisture on the metal surface.

A dehumidifier or silica will attempt to control the actual humidity level regardless of temerature. I use an Eva-dry and the humidity in the safe has never gone higher than 40% regardless of the external humidity.

I lose power often, so I chose not to rely on an electric method.