Gun Safe - Crazy Enough that it Just Might Work?


New member
Talking with friends this morning. Topic of Gun Safes came up.
Expensive - heavy. I just want a fairly secure place to store guns and ammo.
So - here's what popped into my head...
1: Get a big honkin' freezer off of Craigslist. They can be had for $100 or less - even for free.
2: Empty and clean it out
3: Put it in the garage with a big hasp and padlock on it.

Bad guys will assume it's just that - a freezer

Could this be one of those ideas that's "so crazy it just might work" ?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm sure it'd work fine until your buddy's, buddy's, buddy's, buddy, who is a convicted burglar out on parole, hears about it.


New member
issue with that is perhaps the walls/top are sturdy enough... buuut the hinges and how its secured to the body are not close to a safe. sawzaw and 20 min i'll bet then i'll leave u an empty busted freezer.


New member
Freezer = standard Money hiding place...

Ow Con Tra Air.
We have video of a burglar going through our garage, freezer included. The cops were impressed with the video, and we're commenting as it played. When he went to the freezer, they said "yep this guy is a pro".
On questioning the officer about the BG looking in the freezer, he noted that a lot of people hide money in the freezer, usually in a partially opened bag of food, or a ziplock. Put a big lock and hasp on it and it says "more than fish sticks in here". And you probably have the tools nearby to help him open it.

Your gun would make it a bonus score for the bad guy.

Coach Z

New member
I'm split yeah I think the freezer is good but the lock on would raise attention.

I don't know what the stats are but it's my understanding that more often then not a burglary is based on some prop knowledge be it friend of a friend or the delivery guy told his buddy etc.


New member
Could bolt it to the wall.
WRT a sawzall - I opened up the back of a "real" gun safe in about 4 minutes that way. Drilled a couple holes to pass the blade in and just let loose. Nothing to it.
I'd slap a beer sticker on it. Makes it look like you're trying to keep your kids out of it. Remember, you want some nasty brand that makes most normal people puke at the thought of quaffing. :p


New member
Better than the closet !!!

Could this be one of those ideas that's "so crazy it just might work" ?
Of course it would work but there are many factors to consider. Do you think it would meet your requirements? There are folks who are currently storing in flimsier cabinets and many folks can get away with the corner in the closet or under the bed. :D

I know that the best investment I ever made, was a good gun safe ..... :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
On the other hand, of you can't see it they can't swipe it.
Look up "hidden rooms" on google. They have numerous rooms and other hidden drawers etc.


New member
It is a somewhat common...enough to be fairly well known that people will hide cash money in a package in their freezers. The problem with a hasp and padlock on a freezer is that the hasp will have screws that will be attached to the relatively thin steel of the freezer. Almost any lever used on the hasp and twisted will result in pulling the entire hasp free, without ever having to defeat the lock. Not really all that good of an idea inasmuch as a thief looking for money (why else would a person actually put a big lock on their freezer?), will find your guns serendipitously.


New member
I would think a decent pry bar would pry and hinges off of a freezer/thin sheet metal skin pretty easy.
I always hear of thieves hitting freezers and taking off with Tbones and other goodies.


New member
If you had a store room big enough for two or three freezers then padlock all of them and label them as follows; freezer #1 "Mother -in-law", #2 "ex-wife", #3 "burglar from 2006" .....that would give any burglar cause to pause and ponder whether he really wanted to pry them open !


New member
No...that house wasn't on Hoarders but it could have been.
My company provides services to Realtors. One of the things we do is provide eviction crews.
We did the eviction on that house. It was the worst hoarder house the deputy had ever seen in over 1,400 evictions. The piles in the bedrooms left less than 4 feet to the ceiling.


New member
I had this same idea some time last year.
I have a secured room for guns and reloading.
Only way in is a chain saw and a linebacker.
Steels door with steel reinforced door jam.
Dead bolted with long draw dead bolt.
You would have to cut through the wall and then figure out how to move a steel storage cabinet bolted to the slab out of your way.
No other way in.
I am going to use an up-right freezer or side by side fridg.
Gut the plastic liner and box the inside in with plywood for racks and shelves.
They make some heavy duty freezer / fridg door locks that look factory installed.
This will be my fall project as it is just to dam hot in Texas right now to be working out in the sun.


A friend of mine put in some built in cabinets - floor to ceiling - in his garage so they formed an entire wall across the back. His safe was built in behind one door - the door was locked and a sign - in English and Spanish - that basically said "Danger - High Voltage"

The rest of the cabinets along the wall had your typical garage stuff in it. No one ever asked to see what was behind that door and he never showed anyone except of few of us