Gun Prices Coming Down?

In this "post election" era, are prices of guns ever going to come down? Still don't see any EBRs at the gun stores and Buds Guns is sold out. Will this continue for at least the next four years even if no ban makes it through Congress? Is there any hope of having reasonably priced ARs? I saw a WASR 10 for $600 and a Mini-14 for $700. So if there isn't a bill propsed in the next year will prices come back down? What are your thoughts?


New member
It's largely supply and demand and right now the demand is outstripping the supply. As long as there are shortages the prices will stay high and probably even rise higher. If demand slacks off and there isn't any legislation that impacts availability the prices should stabilize and eventually even drop.


New member
Ya know all those guys posting about Obama grabbing all your guns? Well they're working for the gun manufacturers and sellers.
Fear drives sales.
I should add their doing a wonderful job of it too.
It seems to me things are more available now than a month ago and prices have already started to drop some. I see EBRs in stores now, even if not AR15s ore maybe only one or two where there were 10 6 months ago. 2 months ago you couldn't put down less than 100% to hold anything that came in and no one could tell you when it would arrive or even guarantee it ever would. Now it seems to be a couple days for some of the less desirable ARs. Just what I have seen. Going to an auction with an AR this Saturday, wondering what it will go for.


New member
i was in our local gun shop 2 days ago it looked like it was going out of business.

they had 3 9mm pistols left, and a bunch of empty racks for assault rifles.

i hope we get some Midwest relief soon, this guys prices are really high and he's still sold out.

however i have noticed walmart has a new supply of ammo, and good variety too.


New member
So if there isn't a bill propsed in the next year will prices come back down? What are your thoughts?

my thoughts are there will be a bill proposed as soon they fix the economy. :rolleyes:


New member
Right now is a pretty good time to buy bolt-actions, old milsurps (Mosin, Enfield, Yugo Mausers) wheelguns, and low-cap compacts (PPK, J-frame, etc) in my neck of the woods. Still no EBR's at either gun store (and one is a big box store) in town.

I can't remember exactly, but I though I've read that several AR makers are nearly a year behind on complete rifle orders. EBR prices probably won't drop back down until (IF) it becomes abundantly clear that there won't be a new ban. I won't hold my breath.

Luckily, I'm getting into the cowboy action stuff. I bought my evil black rifle and evil black pistol years ago. Ammo prices are still drivin' me nuts. Even reloading .45 Colt with lead bullets isn't cheap anymore. And my brass supply better last 'cause I can't find it (for a realistic price) in stock anywhere. I just had the shock of my life yesterday too. Walked into wallyworld here in Hippietown and the ammo shelf was EMPTY. Had a few bricks of .22lr, a few boxes of 20ga slugs, and that was it.:(

Time to break out the .22 conversions.
my thoughts are there will be a bill proposed as soon they fix the economy.
I guess we are safe for a few years then....

Agreed, but they have to appear to be doing something and feel good gun control legislation is just what the doctor ordered. Obama has to do something for those who got him elected, and if he doesn't produce universal healthcare, peace in the middle east, a mid 50s/mid 90s economy, gun control is an easy hit.

I still say things are loosening up a bit. Especially on the secondary market.

Willie D

New member
The level of EBR/ammo buying we've seen is unsustainable. Is everyone who bought 5000 rounds and 3 rifles going to do it again next month? And again in 3 months?


New member
I think the gun market is going to crash soon to.. I'm sorry I've been out of work for over a month and I was lucky to have that job, work is SO slow.

I can't drop 1000.00 on a new AR-15 even if it was my last chance because I can't spare the money.

Maybe the rest of you have stable jobs where you live, but most of the guys I know have a couple of weeks left on unemployment and they will be looking to move in with family because they are losing what they do have.


New member
I to feel the market will stabilize. Honestly, how long can people afford to load up on ammo and weapons? The job market is horrible and people are struggling and in my opinion used and still new but individually owned items will be up for sale soon. I for one have written several e-mails to suppliers of various items and even Cheaper than Dirt to tell them I will remember the price gouging they are doing and will not buy from them in the future. Personally, I think we all should go onto the equipment exchanges and sites and let them all know we will boycott the companies who are sticking it to us.


New member
I think an indicator is in our own classified adds. I've noticed that guys posting ARs are not getting nearly the quick, rapid fire responses they were getting a month ago. In addition, some of the prices are becoming more reasonable.

I think the economy and folks job status is finally beginning to catch up with the market. Only time will tell.


I wish circuit city carried firearms. :D

I havent seen the prices of firearms go down, YET anyway. But its been a week since I bought a firearm.


New member
I think it's inevitable that prices will drop. In particular, I think that prices of hi-cap 9mm and .40S&W pistols will crater, particularly inexpensive (sub-$400) models like the S&W Sigma and Ruger P-series. Retailers are stocking up on them like the current boom will continue forever unabated. There are a finite number of people in this country who think that a gun ban is coming, but once every one of them has bought their cheap hi-cap pistol, the market will be saturated. Even in this economy, it's fairly easy for most middle-class folks to scrounge up $350, so it won't take long to reach the saturation point. I think we're going to see clearance sales on these guns in 6 months, as retailers will have to pay off the loans they took out to obtain all the extra inventory.

The price drop will be slower to hit EBRs because, as other posters have noted, it's difficult for many of us to afford them. I'm one of those people who would like an AR but can't justify spending $1k+ on one. (My SHTF rifle is a Lee-Enfield No.4 MkI that I bought for $160.) However, I think that relatively frugal people like me will be trickling into gun stores at a relatively steady pace for months to buy that AR they've been saving their pennies for. This will keep the EBR boom going. OTOH I think that when the EBR boom ends, it will end hard- especially if a bunch of previously-panicked owners realize they don't need 5 roughly identical rifles and decide to sell 2 of them to make their mortgage payment. :rolleyes:

Popular guns that are unlikely to be banned- .357 revolvers, inexpensive .22 bolt rifles, .30-30 leverguns, and the like- will come down to pre-election levels pretty quickly. There's no way to justify recent price increases on these guns other than retailers taking advantage of a booming market.


My favorite gunstore has 6 or more ar-15's of various manufacture most of the time. there is a mixture of 2 or 3 M1-A's a couple of Garands, a couple of M1 carbines, 2..,I think they are CETME's some sort of FN rifle, some ak clones, a few various PG and m4 stocked shotguns, all new. The used racks have a few Mini-14'a a few sks's a couple of ak clones, plenty of variety in shotguns, long rifles, and .22's

The pistol cases are full too. Both new and used.

Seems to have plenty of ammo too. Including Wolf in 7.62x39, 7.62x54 and 223.

He admits to having to work harder to get guns but he never seems to be lacking.

That store is like crack cocaine to me...I can't stay away and I always need more!!

DUDE!! They have sold 2, yep 2, .50 caliber Barret rifles in the past month and have ANOTHER sitting in the window display! He said a father came in and dropped $20 k for the 2 rifls for his sons!! Damn what couldn't my dad be like that?
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