El Rojo

New member
A little biased?

That article reeked of liberalism. The fraternal police order guy's statement has no relevance in this situation. "It would be a scary thing for my officers," Rich said. "You have felons, people with violent backgrounds -- that's a very frightening thing to our officers." Correct me if I am wrong, but it is already illegal for felons to even possess a firearm, correct? Aren't most violent offenders already prohibited from possessing firearms? So how does allowing law-abiding citizens the right to carry a firearm have anything to do with criminals carrying firearms? Liberals.


New member
As of this posting, the results are even more in our favor! Yessss!

1354 total votes

1097 in favor of concealed carry
257 against

That's 81% in our favor!

Bill Barrett

New member
Current Standings 4/22/01 1830 hrs

Should Ohioans Carry Concealed Weapons?
Choice Votes Percent of 1687 votes
Yes 1394 82.6 %
No 293 17.4 %


New member
Interesting wording of the question. Not "Should a bill be passed to make it legal for Ohioans who want to to carry a concealed weapon?" but "Should Ohioans Carry Concealed Weapons?" 83% for, BTW...