Gun Owners Task Force?


New member
This morning I recieved a call on behalf of this group. A brief intro was given about gun owners' rights and it was founded/sponsored by Rep. Tom DeLay. Then a canned message by Mr. DeLay was played. The gist of that was about the attacks on the rights of gun owners, the need to maintain a majority of gun-friendly members of Congress, and the spectre of gun-haters taking control of Congress.
This was followed by the caller asking if I thought politicians and the media have been unfairly attacking gun owners' rights.
Absolutely, I said.
Then comes the pitch, how this effort is to help maintain the gun-friendly majority...this is not a lobbying group like NRA or I can help with a membership and fee.
Hmm. This is new to me. I bought a pig-in-a-poke, ONCE.
After talking nice I got their phone number: 877-277-1727. So, has anyone else heard of this, and is it on the square?

Look in-
Look the storm in the eye
Look out-
To the sea and the sky
Look around-
At the sight and sound
Look in look out look around
-Music by Lee and Lifeson/Lyrics by Peart