Gun Owners Task Force


New member
A few days ago I received a phone call from the Gun Owners Task Force asking me to join and of course send in a contribution. Apparently they are buying subscription lists from the gun rags as the call was for my wife since all my subscriptions are in her name. This is a political awareness effort to influence voters rather than legislators.

As as follow-up I received a letter from House Majority Whip Tom DeLay. The task force is under the auspices of the National Republican Congressional Committee. However, there is no mention of this effort on the NRCC website.

As a member of the NRA, GOA, and JPFO I sometimes think I would be better off buying ammunition with the dues money I am giving these organizations for all the "good" that they are doing. Does anyone think that this task force will do any better against the anti-gun lobby than the others?


New member
JPB, As a life member of the NRA and SAF and an annual "on occasion" contributor to other pro gun orgs I can't really answer your question. I have no knowledege of the GOTF but I promise you that I will look into it.
Groups can have the best intentions and not be able to manage their money well enough to do the job and groups can raise enough money that they become too fat for our own good.

I would love to see the Members of TFL get together and form a group for RTKABA, preservation of the Constitution and every thing else I feel strongly about but that's not happening. We are only a few thousand members of a group that pays no dues here. What we do here is gain information and knowledge.

What we need to do is inform the NRA that the members are taking over. Tell them that first class flights and five star hotels are out of the question. Tell them to get back to the agenda and send them all the money we can. Perhaps, If all of that works out the NRA can become as powerful as HCI. It's ALL about money at this point anyway. If we can't get the NRA right how can we expect to deal with our runaway governmental system.



And who exactly were those guys in the black hoods firing rubber bullets and flash


New member
I also recieved a call from the Gun Owner's
Task Force with mention of Tom Delay. At first they asked me for 195.oo and I said
no but then they said we realize its near
Christmas and you might be short on cash
(No Kidding!)and would I be interested in
sending them $35.oo so I said "Send me something in the mail and Ill see".
I wonder if this is just a contribution
to the Republican party in general, as I
seem to remember getting stabbed in the
back several times in the past by many
Republicans compromising with the
gun grabbers at almost every chance they
If this is just a contribution to
the Republican party in general ,I
think that they dont deserve one red

If however, this money were to
be used to protect my Second Ammendment
Rights, I would be willing to donate.

Can anyone on this board advise me?

ernest2--Ct.CAN opperator
for CT res to join local can list

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 03, 1999).]


New member
Gentlemen, I ask that you please read a thread about this very topic that died a week and a half ago. If you are going to donate money, make sure you get something for it. Do not send it while just getting lip service from someone who just views you as a revenue cow. MAKE A STATEMENT with your contribution.

I think that link is dead. These people also want me to send them money and I would like to know if its going to a good cause before I send it in.



New member
These people did not call me like they did to the above posters , instead they sent me a pre-made membership card and are asking that I send in a contribution.