Gun Owners of America


New member
I joined NRA a while back and am interested in joining GOA also.

Are any of you members of GOA? What can you tell me of your experiences with being a member?

Tom B

New member
I am a member of both but prefer GOA. They are no compromise and provide newsletters and Emails. GOA even provides pre-written political letters/cards for you to send regarding issues if you are lazy like me!;) They appear more genuine in sincerity toward gun issues than NRA IMO. NRA however carries the high membership counts which keeps the interest of politicians.


Moderator Emeritus
I've been a member of both for quite a few years. The NRA, like Tom said, is the larger of the two, and the quality of their publications and mailings shows the depths of their pockets. Their magazines are slick and well designed.

GOA on the other hand has a two-color, eight page newsletter that isn't copyrighted so you can reproduce it as you like and pass it around to your friends. The information in the GOA newsletter is usually more timely than the NRA publication.

GOA also will give you voting records of the entire congress to show you how they voted on certain issues that matter to gun owners. (Like CFR and the Pickering Amendment in the last issue) GOA's grading system for political candidates is a much better indicator than the one the NRA uses. This last election, my anti-gun Republican Senator was given a 'C' by the NRA, and an 'F' by the GOA. IMO, he's never met a gun control law he didn't like. :(

Bottom line:
GOA is THE "No Compromise" gun lobby.
NRA is the biggest and most powerful gun lobby.

Why choose? Join both! :)


New member
The GOA is more focused. Their mission is purely political.
The NRA is more general. The political wing is just one department, in addition to all the work they do with competitions, training, etc.

You really need to join both.


New member
GOA is a lot more open with information it has on candidates. Trying to get information from the NRA is like pulling teeth. Everything's treated like a state secret.
GOA definitely rates their candidates better... NRA had rated the State Representative who proposed a gun show background check bill a "B" in the recent primary run-offs and they gave away more "A"s than any other rating - so the whole rating system was meaningless.

The NRAs lobbying seems a lot more subtle and low-key than GOAs. I think most of the time it is more effective as well; but there are times when subtlety isn't called for and that's when GOA shines. GOA also has some balls. NRA often won't attack any issue that they can't guarantee a win on because they don't want to lose political credibility. GOA takes on a lot of losing fights that hurt their credibility but every once in a while they score a victory where NRA wouldn't have even tried.

I remember reading an analogy on TFL once that GOA was the sword and NRA was the shield. I think its a pretty good analogy. They are different but both are necessary to win the battle.


New member
I am a life member of both.

I agree, the GOA ratings of candidates is more useful on election day.
