Gun Owners - Just Doing Our Part for The Economy


New member
I just thought you'd like to know. It seems like we all deserve to give ourselves a big pat on the back for doing our part. :D

Defying incessant gloomy reports proliferating from "news" outlets, and curiously missing from lamestream financial "news," overall firearm sales increased by nearly 11% in the last quarter of 2007. Retail sales were up over 10% in May 2008.

Edit: Link fixed.


New member
Well I give credit where credit is do and I'm pretty sure that our own PBP is responsible for at least half of that growth. :D


New member
Yes, people tend to grasp at things when: we realize that we aren't being respected and listened to. Obama was correct but he did NOT address the CAUSE. He missed a golden opportunity. Oh, well. I'm not miffed at his comments. I'm one of you. :p

Sales are up because we Intuitively know that things are gonna fall the Hell apart and we'll need something between "us" and the hobgoblins since LE cannot (nor do I wish them to be) everywhere at once.


I have done my part over the last 2 years, I have bought over 4 dozen firearms and all the accessories. Got about everything now I wanted....except for maybe a Rock Island Arsenal 1903 rifle. I have now throttled back. If I invest more it will be accessories like new grips and race features.
I lived through the 94 Ban and even held a FFL then but really didn't buy hi-caps cause I had less money and desire.
I have now made up for it.


JP Sarte

New member
I think that there is a general feeling in the gun buying world that when Obama wins guns will become a lot more expensive. Folks trying to beat the deadline I guess.
