Gun Organization Decals

Is it wise to display your gun organization decal on your car?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • No

    Votes: 52 47.7%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 9 8.3%
  • Other-please specify in thread

    Votes: 3 2.8%

  • Total voters


New member
Yes- support the 2nd Ammendment and show your firearms ownership pride.

"Tactically" speaking, I don't think it makes you any more or less of a target. But just don't put a sticker that mentions anything about weapons in the car.


New member
I don't display bumper stickers or "Baby on Board" stick-ups or otherwise on my plain, black, American made vehicle. With all the cases of road rage and other idiots out there I don't want some complete stranger deciding to form an oppinion about me when I'm out driving around conducting my business. Gun stickers advertise that you own guns and you might have one on your person and/or vehicle. This gives away any edge on the defensive you may have had.

Good Senario:

1) Let's say you usually carry (we're assuming legally)
2) You go someplace where guns are not allowed to be carried by the general public (I can't carry a gun to city hall to get a building permit so I lock it up in my car)
3) A sticker on my car adverstises that I might have a gun and if my car is parked somewhere where guns are not allowed on the premesis I could be a prime suspect for a break-in. In fact I could be a prime suspect for a break-in even if there was no gun in the car at all. A criminal could go looking anyway.

I'm all for protecting gun rights and being proud of firearm ownership but when out in the general public I keep that info on a need to know basis. The unsavory gentlemen drinking 40's in the grocery store parking lot DONT NEED TO KNOW.


New member
This is a tough issue with many layers that I have no competency to go into with any autority, or skill.

But: On one hand-everyone needs to know that there are many many of us who support the right to keep and bear arms.

On the other, we dont want to bring on scrutiny to ourselves.

So do we act for the group and display the logos thus indicating that we have firearms on us or at home, or do we "look out for #1" and leave silently support the RKBA by keeping and bearing them with no one else knowing.

Me? Depends what I feel like that day,and who i am around.


New member
I prefer to keep it discreet. Stickers on the car not only draw attention to my car, but they draw attention to my residence when my car is parked there. I live in a complex consisting of multiple buildings and I don't know who everybody is, so I don't want to take the chance of having somebody breaking into my home when I'm not there looking for my guns.

Scott Conklin

New member
NRA sticker, political statement stickers, a
bumper sticker and, usually an AR in the back window rack of the truck. NEVER hide who you are or what you believe, unless you're willing to accept losing any battle you are (not) involved in.


New member
When was the last time you were influenced by a bumper sticker? I say don't advertise that you might have a gun.

Scott Conklin

New member
I always love the implicit meaning there: Shame. It's the first thing lefties leap on when this sort of discussion comes up. Secretive gun owners. Hiding guns. Fear of...(insert lefty buzzword of the day). Sorry, I am what I am and I am certainly not going to hide. Also, I don't believe most of the populace is going to seek to make an issue of it AND most of the segment that would is also the segment you want to know of such, as a potential deterrent.

We are not the bad guys. We are not the ones in the wrong. They aren't going to like you anyway. But to be completely honest, as for the bumper stickers, while mine currently are fairly inoffensive I've reached the point where I don't really mind PO'ing the opposition. Let 'em steam a little, it's good for their valves and puts a smile on my face.


New member
2nd Amendment....I'm calling B.S. on that "shame" crap. I don't have any law enforcement decals on my vehicle and I work in law enforcement. I don't have any NRA stickers, and I'm a member. I don't have any gun related items on my car or law enforcement related items either. Do you think I'm ashamed of either?

A.) Criminals are dumb, but even a dumb criminal can figure out that a car loaded down with NRA stuff just "may" have a gun in it.

B.) It's nobody's business....does that mean I'm ashamed of my profession or my hobby?

Lastly, I vote, I get others to vote. I tell everyone who owns a gun and is not politically involved that they are siphoning off of everyone else's work. I write letters to Congress, Senate and my State reps. I will denounce the International Association of the Chiefs of Police every time they try to speak for the "average" cop on gun control you think that is necessarily easy?

Lastly, I love Jesus too, but I don’t have any Christian bumper stickers on my truck, does that make me a closet Christian?

Fact is I don’t like stickers on my car or little pink plastic flamingos in my yard. It’s a matter of personal taste.


Moderator Emeritus
My car's easy to spot. It's the one with the "Coal Creek Armory: Automatics For The People" bumper sticker.


My truck has the following stickers:

Ron Jon Surf Shop...Cozumel
Wild West Guns (of course)
A bad day at the marsh beats a Good day at Work...Ducks Unlimited
If Guns Kill People than Spoons made Rosie o'Donnell Fat
Alaska Terrorist Hunting Permit
I Don't Give a F**k About Your Feelings

Im sort of an exhibitionist!



New member
No bumper stickers on my car, because for once I have a new car made within the same decade in which I purchased it. :cool:

I'm not a huge fan of wearing my political opinions on my bumper, but that's just me. I don't see a problem with it if you want to. Of course, if you choose to display your opinion, you can't really tell somebody to mind their own business if they ask you about it.

My old license plate was 244944 - went well with my Smith!

I saw Rosie at a WNBA game once when I lived in Miami.

LeifRosiemostassuredlyisnothotbutbeautyisintheeyeofthebeholderIsupposeistheresuchathingasobjectivebeautymaybeitsinnerbeautybecauseitcertainlyisn'toutwardbeautyunlessyoulikethatsortofthingDelaware :p

(sorry, couldn't resist riffing on your nomenclature style)

Glock 31

New member
My car has a DoD military base decal, an NRA member sticker, a sticker displaying the rank I was in the Navy, and a sticker on my rear window that says, "The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list".

They've been there for well over a year. You know how many people have probably noticed or read them? I'll bet less than ten. What difference does it make? Anybody who forms opinions of people based on their bumper stickers, is beneath my notice.:cool:


New member
I 'm more uncomfortable with the idea

I should not let folks know I'm carrying a gun than the worry that some bad guy is going to see this and take me out. My impression is that 99.9% of the bad guys out there will go some place else at even the hint that someone else might be armed. So, the only real fear from advertizing, in my opinion, is that some wussy (I'm not going to say leftest or liberal because I consider myself one) is going to go all pale and call the law or something.... So?

My wife let me put a Single Action Shooters Society sticker on her truck but not an NRA one... figure that out?
"I am the NRA"

I have an NRA membership sticker on my truck, as does my son on his car (well, he will as soon as he takes delivery of it).

For me, it is about letting the world know that "normal, ordinary" people have guns. Throughout too much of our culture, and especially the media, gun owners are NOT normal everyday people but mysterious semi-psychotic wackos who join militias, hate people of color, and other such rot.

Like it or not, we are in a battle of perceptions and public image, and displaying a simple sticker and then living a normal, peaceful, law-abiding life is one way I try to undermine popular images of people with guns. When things concerning gun rights get put to a vote, I don't want people to have the wrong idea about who is affected and how by whatever is up for consideration.

"I am the NRA" was the campaign a few years ago designed for this same thing.

Scott Conklin

New member
I'm too lazy to quote so, the points in order...


Doesn't matter what you call. I am telling you what was once and probably still is a constant refrain of leftists who dislike guns/gun owners. They view that desire to keep it quiet as either fear or some form of potentially dangerous psychosis. Of course they are wrong. Probably it was made up as they went along to salve their own fears. The accusation remains, though, and some people, maybe many, believe it. *images of fat redneck in camo oiling something in the basement floating through their little lefty brains*

I don't know. I don't care. It IS the claim made by some. Personally it's not an issue to me either way, but I get tired of hearing others tell me having stickers or the occasional decal is in some fashion wrong.

I'd suggest most criminals aren't particularly dumb so much as they are lazy, but more to the point you're telling me I should adapt to the presence of the criminal element. I say I did adapt: I stay in shape, keep my mind in gear and carry a gun or knife, or at least enough skill in my hands to stay on my feet long enough to run away screaming like a girl.

Again, I don't know. I do know that I'm not quite certain why it is nobody's business? If that's your opinion that's fine, but it isn't the default opinion nor do I share it. Half this town and all of the PD thinks I'm a gun nut. But who gets all the best deals and asked for advice regularly and gets to meet interesting(and not so interesting) people because of it? Me.

Yet at the same time whose dealership keeps NOT getting broken in to, and whose house sits out in the woods untouched while the neighbors all got robbed blind? Me. Coincidence? Hell, I dunno.

No, but I do think it pretty well tells everyone you're a gun owning extremist in just a slightly more round-about way. :) And talk about telling criminals, you're talking to politicians! :D

Well some would say yes, but it's really just another personal choice. If I ever really come down on one side or the other of God/no god I'll probably stick a bumper sticker on proclaiming it, or at least a t-shirt.

It’s a matter of personal taste.

I don't think I ever disagreed with that. Was kinda my point. I only noted I get tired of hearing gun owners say how terrible the 'wrong' choice is, AND listening to some non-gun owners and their silly analysis of such.

Chris Phelps

New member
I put other, because my car is a bit of an exception. I am into performance cars and car audio. Cops already hate people like me with lowered cars and nice rims... they harrass us more than enough already. How much worse would it be if we also had a sticker advertising that we might have firearms either on our person or in our cars? It would only be a matter of time before one of us would get shot.

Ohio Annie

New member
On that little bitty left rear side window of my Impala I have an NRA life member sticker. Next to my alumni sticker which has the school motto:
"Not to be Ministered Unto, But to Minister."

I hope I never have to use my CCL to "minister unto" someone.:(

Annie, nervously looking over her shoulder


New member

I have 2 NRA stickers on my truck and a metal NRA hitch cover, too. I don't keep a gun in the vehicle and I leave it unlocked almost all the time. If someone wants to rifle through it.......have at it.