Gun of the month


New member
Here is a great description.

I bought this one yesterday as my gun of the month. I am going to buy one a month from now until the new anti-gun president is inaugurated.

I highly recommend Spike's. I am a repeat customer, and they are great. They also sell class 3 stuff, and I am looking to get a can next.

Here are the pics:


Here is a close up of the receiver:



We are way beyond the point of return of them ever taking your guns. This is a gun society. There are more guns than there are people. Someone coming out and saying the democrats are going to take the guns is like saying that they are also going to take the oxygen out of the air. You should have gotten a BAR. Way prettier than that thing.:barf:


New member
1 If I really thought that anyone was going to "take" my guns, why would I buy them? and then write about it on the internet?

2 Uh, since when are there more guns than people? There are estimated to be 640 million guns in the entire world. For there to be more guns in the US than people, citizens of the US would have to own the majority of all the guns in the world.

3 I am engaging in my plan for three reasons: I get more guns that way, I get the side benefit of supporting the evil gun lobby, and it pisses off Rudy, Bill, Hillary, Obama, and a bunch of other people I don't like

4 If you think I should get a gun, keep in mind that I buy what I want. You know what? Join me, and buy a BAR. If we all did, then maybe we could make a difference in the only way that matters- being armed, and spending money.

We all know that voting is BS- it doesn't matter what you vote for, nothing changes in a major way unless someone pays for it with gold, or with violence. I am trying the gold method. Not as messy.

Last month was a Combat Commander. I can't wait to see what I get next month.


New member
That sure is a pretty rifle.

I disagree about us being way past any point for power hungry people to take away our rights. If it happened before, it CAN happen again.

I just got done writing to legislators in local politics (PA) because they wanted to pass anti bills. Interesting that the OP is buying one a month, one of the bills was to make it law that you can ONLY buy ONE a month. Don't forget, they are always trying.

A win for us in the D.C. v Heller case would be very significant, but that still probably doesn't stop agencies like the ATF from making their own arbitrary laws.

But, I am getting off topic. I hope to be able to own some NFA one day...


New member
To be fair

I am a resident of Florida. I also vote via absentee ballot. There fore my vote not only did not count, it did not count in the last 2 elections any of the 8 times the votes were "not" counted. Very few people have the right to say my votes not only dont count, they dont count 16 times more or less (depending on your outlook) then anyone elses in the USA during the presidential elections. Illigal aliens have more of a voice then I do when it comes to selecting my commander in chief. I beleve I will buy as may as I can as often as I can and prepare to move to canada if the wrong person gets voted in by the illigals nobody is doing anything about.


New member
For a while when I was single I bought a gun a month, now that I am married I buy a gun every six months and the price I can spend is less. :mad:

Make sure you vote in local and state elections and the primary. Much more important than the Presidential elections, IMHO.


If they tried to take all the guns there would be a civil war. They know that, so it will never happen.
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New member
I'm impressed that you can afford to buy a gun per month. Yowser!

The thing that pisses me off the most about anti-gun legislation is that it amounts to one group of people taking it upon themselves to make rules to restrict the activities of another group of people regarding an area of activity about which the rulemakers neither know anything nor care at all. Any person who thinks that it is OK to make rules for others in this sort of context hasn't really grasped what it means to live in a free society—and has ignored the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution! Part of the problem is that anitgunners, for all their professed empathy for others, are never interested enough in the other side to go out and see how we gun owners actually interact with our guns and with each other at the range, at the lgs, in our dens with our friends.


New member
Like Divemedic, I believe there well be a serious gun ban upcoming. I am also buying what I think well be banned, anything military, mags that hold more than 5 rounds. I can afford one AK a month, but not an AR. Right now I'm four months in the hole because of the following.:(




New member
I highly recommend Spike's.
lol, read that quick and thought you meant you recomend bayonets, as they might become banned again... very nice rifle there, how does she group at 100 ;)

Uh, since when are there more guns than people? There are estimated to be 640 million guns in the entire world. For there to be more guns in the US than people, citizens of the US would have to own the majority of all the guns in the world.

That's crazy, I always figured there were way more guns than people. Suppose I'm biased as I own more than I can count on my two paws and just figure everyone else could and should do the same :)


I dont think there will be a gun ban because of the 2006 election. You are too focussed on disgusting dems like Nancy Pelosi. Remember a lot of "cowboy democrats" like Tim Johnson and Jim Webb were elected. I would like to see a Ron Paul/Bill Richardson ticket :D Bill Richardson carries personally:D


New member
If ATF came to my house and asked for my guns I'd shoot them. They know that. They know taking away the guns is a death sentence for these agencies, literally. It will never happen. NRA has you way too frightened.

Not the brightest thing to post on an open forum. Say something happened later in life and an officer was killed by a rifle/handgun you own...I would not want that statement floating around.

Back to the topic though, I think you and a few other are losing sight or never noticed what the agenda of the anti gun people is. They are not going to show up tomorrow and take your guns. What they will do, have done and will continue to do is slowly take away the types of guns you can have, the amount of rounds they can hold, the type of grips they can have, etc. They squeeze out each gun, one at a time and all along the less bright members of our gun fraternity turn a blind eye..thinking it's only THAT gun or THAT grip. A few years back I couldn't buy a 13 round clip for my glock (even though it came with one) because Clinton and his friends thought they were dangerous, now I can buy that clip again...but his wife is coming to take it back from me. If those I have break, I will not be able to replace them...that is what the anti gun nazi's are looking to do. They will never come to your home and demand your guns...they will make it so you can't buy new ones, can't get the old one repaired or can't find ammo for it. Then...your gun means nothing.

Wake up and fight them at every opportunity. The NRA isn't trying to scare anyone...they are trying to wake you up.



New member

AWESOME RIFLE!!!!!!!! I wish I was able to afford the "gun a month" program. I guess it is time to get a part time job for the "program".


If they tried to take all the guns there would be a civil war. They know that, so it will never happen.

Not the brightest thing to post on an open forum. Say something happened later in life and an officer was killed by a rifle/handgun you own...I would not want that statement floating around.

Back to the topic though, I think you and a few other are losing sight or never noticed what the agenda of the anti gun people is. They are not going to show up tomorrow and take your guns. What they will do, have done and will continue to do is slowly take away the types of guns you can have, the amount of rounds they can hold, the type of grips they can have, etc. They squeeze out each gun, one at a time and all along the less bright members of our gun fraternity turn a blind eye..thinking it's only THAT gun or THAT grip. A few years back I couldn't buy a 13 round clip for my glock (even though it came with one) because Clinton and his friends thought they were dangerous, now I can buy that clip again...but his wife is coming to take it back from me. If those I have break, I will not be able to replace them...that is what the anti gun nazi's are looking to do. They will never come to your home and demand your guns...they will make it so you can't buy new ones, can't get the old one repaired or can't find ammo for it. Then...your gun means nothing.

Wake up and fight them at every opportunity. The NRA isn't trying to scare anyone...they are trying to wake you up.


Well seeing that I'm a state trooper, I would never shoot one of my own. The point is that the majority (90-95%) of cops are pro second amendment. If our commanding officers came to us and said "Ok we have to get all of the guns in this neighborhood or in this town." just because of some new law, we would all say no. End of discussion. Even the commanding officers would say no! If we got fired that would be just fine with us. The thing is we would all quit when they told us we had to round up the guns, that way we wouldn't get charged with official misconduct. If there were a law passed, which would never happen, it would find its way to the supreme court. This supreme court would undoubtedly rule any such law unconstitutional.
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As for this congress chipping away at how many rounds a mag can hold and the such, the cowboy democrats won't let it happen. When it comes to guns you can count the cowboy democrats as republican as Newt Gingrich. There were like 15-20 or so voted in, in the house and like 5 or 6 in the senate.


New member
ghottoest writes:

If ATF came to my house and asked for my guns I'd shoot them. They know that. They know taking away the guns is a death sentence for these agencies, literally. It will never happen.

Not the brightest choice of words to post in this open forum. It's just the kind of thing that anti-gun people love to read to strengthen their position on firearms. Or don't you think that anti-gunners read this forum. And I would not admit that you are a state trooper. It makes your statement even worse. Being in law enforcement myself, you do not do us justice. Wise up and retire.