Gun Manufacturers biggest gains, biggest dissapointment


New member
Over the last 25yrs we have seen lots come and go and many of the old school makes go. And Some new ones come in and surprise. So if you were to pick which ones are up and comers and which ones are falling who would you say? IMO the biggest disappointment is Marlin and Remington by far they have taken two names that have had long standing tradition and drove them both into the ground. Years ago they were not in the top but they were both affordable and reliable guns. But the with quality issues and driving prices both have forgotten what brought them to the top.
Now on the other Hand a few survivors have kept on their game Ruger and Colt and Springfield have managed to adapt and over come such windfalls success has not caused complacency.
Up and comers We have seen CZ, Kimber, Sig, FN, just to name a Few that have proven themselves. We also seen old ones resurrected Henry. Complacency has caused many to fall and while others continue to thrive on their competitions windfalls.


New member
Sig has been around and awesome for decades. FN has as well but may have been under a different name. I'm not sure when kimber came about but has gone down hill from where it was even 10 years ago. My understanding from talking to dealers is that springfield no longer manufactures anything but is purely an importer "I have no proof or links to this just rumor".

I sold off my HKs but I would put them in the top 5 pistol manufacturers and they have been on the forefront long before I was born. They made the first poly gun like 10 years before glock although glock is happy to take credit for being the first. Although Glock is a manufacturer that has had incredible success.

Regardless of how you feel about Taurus I think you have to admit they have been successful. In the past few years QC has gone away but that's true of many manufacturers.

Nice thing is we have more options then we have at anytime in history especially in the compact cc type weapons. I would not carry any of them;-) but its good to see variety.
Years ago they were not in the top but they were both affordable and reliable guns.
I can remember when Remington was outselling everybody. These statements are fairly vague, and without numbers, a bit hard to quantify.

If I were to judge by what I see on a daily basis, Colt and Winchester aren't doing so well. But I don't have their balance sheets or a cash-flow analysis in front of me, so I could be completely wrong.


New member
Vague yes, but overall aome used to be on their game but as I said complacency has made aome of the older gun mfg' s soft and less demanding where others failed to make it above water their qc has been sacraficed for numbers you hear it all the time. O am not basing this off numbers. Marlin has been on the slide for a number of years and the loss of there biggest competitor was probably their start of dropping off. Remington being bought by some people who's only concern is money. Just basing what I hear in hear otger places and gunshows.