Gun Log


New member
Do any of you guy use this iphone ipad app?
It is awesome and can really help you keep track of your weapons, including serial numbers, purchase price, upgrades, optics, trigger pull, twist rate, barrel length, and much more. For reloading it's a great way to track loads at home and the range including bullet, powder, brass, primer, OAL and more. You can take pictures of your targets and it links them to the date, weapon and load allowing you to create reports. This thing even has a bullet drop and drift calculator based on the information you enter about the weapon, wind speed, and ammunition you enter.
I can't type enough to say what all this app does so check out the link, it's the best 99 cents I ever spent.

I am not a salesman or representative for this app, I'm just a consumer that wants to share a great product with my fellow shooters and loaders.


New member
If I had a Iphone I would not get the app. #1 cause I don't own enough guns and #2 what if someone stole your phone they might stumble across the app and realize hey wow. Maybe find a way to your house . Maybe me just being paranoid but that's me.


New member
Well, if your iPhone gets swiped or lost and isn't password protected you get on your computer and lock it down or erase all personal info/contacts via another handy app. Or you could just put the app in a lockable "secret" folder. You know what they say, "There's an app for that." ;)
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New member
Well, if your iPhone gets swiped or lost and isn't password protected you get on your computer and lock it down or erase all personal info/contacts via another handy app. Or you could just put the app in a lockable "secret" folder.

I guess if you don't have an iphone you don't know about these features.

#1 cause I don't own enough guns

I don't have a ton of guns but I do have several loads for each and I am constantly trying new bullit, powder, primer, brass, charge, OAL combinations and this is a great way to keep track of it all at home and the range.


Active member
1. I don't have an I-phone. I have a trac-phone, and wish I didn't have it either.
2. If I did, I wouldn't trust storing ANY gun related information on a product invented by and manufactured by the elitist left.
3. No one can hack into your paper notebook.
4. It's easier to burn paper than hard drives.


New member
Two NRA field editors for NRA Life Of Duty liked my app enough to ask me if they could mention it in their online magazine, American Warrior, Issue #5.

I wrote every line of code in the app. It doesn't use Location Services. It doesn't export the data in any way (which is a pain for many users).

You can track your weapons by "nick name" and never enter any specific information.

Is iOS any less secure than Windows, MacOS, or some Linux variant? I don't think so.

You should password lock your phone.

Paper and pencil works great for some, others use custom Excel spread sheets, some know SQL and make a database, or use Delphi or something similar.

I just happen to know iOS and have the hardware, so I made an app for me. It was handy and thought, I can give back to the community so I put it on the store for $0.99. Just enough money to keep my attention and give it value.

I wrote it for me to track failures I was having with a .380 auto. It evolved to the current abilities, which are large, including external ballistics calculations.

It is not for everyone. I use it on an iPod touch and and iPad, I don't even have an iPhone, and my cell phone is turned off in my pocket.

If you are concerned with all of the potential ways information may be stolen then you probably aren't online and don't talk about what guns you own. That is fine and may someday prove to be wise. Who knows.

I intentionally did not use features that could facilitate data being hi-jacked or stolen, even though I don't think those features are inherently unsafe, just to be careful for your guys' sake.

A new app I am making is going to use Location Services, iCloud, and the full potential of the device. I am calling in Gun Log +P. If Gun Log worries you, stay completely away from +P when it comes out! I personally think it will be great!
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