gun laws in the virgen islands


New member
Does anybody know about gun laws in the u.s virgen islands?Can you keep a gun in your home there?And do you need a license to but a gun.

Juan Hunt Greer

New member
As a former resident of St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., I have to report that as of when I left in 1985 guns were NOT banned! There was, however, one H*** of a lot of c*** to go through in order to get one! I have heard, since my departure, that the St. Thomas Shooting Assn., my old home away from home, has gone defunct for lack of a place to shoot since they lost the use of the Harthman family property. In truth, I would not be surprised to learn that the local mis-government had, in fact banned guns. I will try to get in touch with some of my old friends there to find out. We ( my entire family and myself) left in 1985 because the entire place was becoming unlivable. They have the finest climate and the prettiest beaches under the American flag- and the most INCOMPETENT GOVERNMENT!!!( rant control circuit activating!). Anyway, I'll see what I can do to find out.
paranoia is just ginger-peachy when they really are out to get You!