Gun laws in Deeetroit?


New member
Well, in spite of all that has gone on this week, I have to get on with present responsiblities.

I may be moving to Detroit. I've looked up the gun laws, and it's not a pretty sight, but I wanted to get a 'feel' for the reality there from folks who have first hand knowledge.



New member
Deeetroit, Rock City. I weep for you, my friend. Just wait until you have to get a permission slip to buy a pistol (for each one) and you have to register and "safety test" your used guns. Then there are these critters called "gun boards." Icky.

Maybe you can live in South Bend and commute?

Jim V

New member
South Bend is in Indiana, a true shall issue state.

To buy a handgun in Michigan, you have to go to your local police department and get a "Purchase Permit", have it notorized, buy your pstol and return to the PD to have it "Safety Inspected" (except now they don't call it a "Safety Inspection" since some one did an inspection and the gun was not safe) and the pistol is registered with the Statz Politzi.

Detroit is in Wayne county. Both are run by anti-gun, scum sucking, "we know what is best for you", statists of the first water.

You are to register your handguns when you move here. Faliure to do so is a criminal act. You are supposed to have the registration card with you when you transport the pistol to the range or where ever.

Our state's "wonderful" :barf: gun laws were enacted to prevent minorities from purchasing firearms. Just as our CCW laws were enacted (you had to have a good reason to get one and being black was not a good reason) to prevent minorities from being able to carry them.

BTW, welcome to Michigan.


New member
Cap'n, crazy? Well, I guess some would call me that--a gun owner. I thought you hairy-chested Westerners living out there in those square states were used to long distances? According to the gun rags, don't you shoot pronghorns at this distance (or farther)?

I have two (2) clients who are domiciled in South Bend and work in and around Detroit. You fly in on Monday and fly back Saturday afternoon. However, these guys have established practices with set schedules.

They are both shooters and it is far easier to get a 4 signed here than in Michigan. I don't know what impact the terror incidents out East will have on gen av.


New member
don't you shoot pronghorns at this distance (or farther)?

Only when we can go hunting on Thursday. Hafta pick up the kill and get it back to be dressed before the butcher closes up shop, you know. ;)

Toledo might work. My schedule won't be regular, so flying anywhere is not on the list of possibilites. Ohio seems to have MUCH friendlier gun laws and housing is cheaper. A 60 mile commute is worth it, if the traffic is not killer.

And I ain't gonna do this contracting engineering stuff much longer, Lord willing!


New member
And they have universal reciprocity.:D

The MSP were VERY unhappy a while back, as was the mayor of DEETroit. Seems that the law didn't require you to LIVE in the jurisdiction your license was from.

FL didn't have reciprocity, but DID have mail order licenses for travellers...which under MI law, were valid. Even in DEEtroit. :D

The mayor was most unhappy.