gun homicides in mexico


New member
Does anybody know how many homicides were commited with guns in mexico last year.They have an overall homicide rate of 17 per 100,000 people,more than twice that of the u.s.I want to know this so I can use it in an arguement.


New member
How can they have more gun deaths than the U. S.? Guns are banned in Mexico, except for the police, military, and drug cartels. Robert


New member
Lies, damn lies, and statistics sums it up. One huge problem with using data from foreign sources is the methods used to collate the date. For example: Columbine had, according to US methods, 15 shooting deaths, since 15 kids got shot and died. In other countries (Until recently, 1999 I believe)England would have listed only 2 gun related homocides, since there were only 2 shooters. I tried to compare the stats from foreign countries, that had strong gun control laws, to the US a year ago with little success. The discliamers you have to add to your argument as to how the data is collected, and exacty what constitutes it eg: is suicide included?, makes it hard to use in a verbal agrument, and too wordy for a side by side compare. What I found to be more effective is the use of State Dept travel advisories. The SD usulayy lists any and all advisories, and give reasons, for any area they suspect to be trouble.

Good solid arguments can be formed with the conficting data found here. If strong gun control works, why is travel in Mexico so dangerous and armed crime so prevalent?


New member
Talking stats. here is one. Child abuse is
the number one killer of children under 5,
3 die each day. 900,000 abused in 1998 thats
known cases, and the liberals talk about
guns, is it really safety they are after.?
Child safety.? If so they would turn there
attention to the problem of abuse.


New member
RAE, That is mexico's homicide rate according to the u.n.According to the cdc our gun death is higher when you include suicides and accidental deaths.But it is clear that there gun homicide and overall homicide rate is higher than america.