Gun from predators movie...


New member
It's nice but NOT awesome.

ANY and ALL other guns in the entire Predator franchise FAIL at being awesome when compared to Jesse Ventura's Mini-Gun in the original movie.

It is a cinema FACT. :D

Also, all subsequent films in the Predator franchise are nowhere near as good as the original movie.

C'mon Hollywood, you expect me to "believe" that a creature that single handedly beat the crap out of Arnold, killed Jesse Venture, Carl Weathers and a bunch of other tough-guy actors is going to lose an hand to hand fight to Danny "The Habitually About To Retire Cop" Glover?


New member
But Ed,

You have to love it when Harrigan, Danny Glover opens his trunk and thinks.....

OK which gun to grab :D

Single Six

New member
Can't mess with Glover; anyone with the temerity to pack a Desert Eagle {with a HUGE early '90s laser sight} in a shoulder holster is not someone I'd wanna make angry. Hey, it works for Chaos311Clarity.....;)


A's weapon link,

I didn't look at the member reply post & link yet, but in general , is a great resource for films/TV related firearms/ammuniton topics.



New member
I will admit that it gives new meaning to "carrying a spare in the trunk." Also, I do enjoy watching movies that feature "cutting edge gadgets" that weren't quite perfected (or scaled down to be practical).

However, Arnie still "did it better and before" (in regards to oversized lasers) with the one on a 1911 in the first Terminator movie.:p

I like Danny Glover, he was awesome in Silverado with the Henry rifles, he just would be my first pick to fight the Predator in an "impromptu skill-sawblade intergalactic deathmatch." Maybe the later Predators just aren't as tough as the previous generation?

OT: I would hate to imagine the tenacity of WWII-era Predators based on how tge toughness OUR greatest generation. Although, I still think we could've taken 'em. LOL