Gun friendly states


New member
Soon enough I'll be off to that wonderful 3 year long experience they call law school, and odds are that I will have a reasonable list of schools from which to chose from. While this wont be the deciding factor, I would like a list of states that are gun friendly and those that are not.

I am from Kalifornia so anywhere is better than here, but I would like something more than just a JD to show for 3 years of work. Maybe something earlier in the alphabet like an AK or and AR.


New member
Georgia is very gun-friendly. If you are a resident, and legal to own a gun, then you can get a concealed carry liscence. It just costs $48 for a 5 year liscence, something even a college student can afford.
Check out for the laws in each state.


New member

Shall issue CCW. So-called Asault Weapons legal. NFA Stuff (machineguns, suppressors, etc) legal. No max number of gun per month purchases. CCW exempt from waiting period.

Oh yea, no state income tax. :)


New member

Right to carry CCW, also several good law schools: UVa, William & Mary, Washington & Lee, George Mason, University of Richmond

I went to law school in Masschusetts, can't get much more unfriendly to guns! My guns all stayed at my parents home (out of state) while I was there. :(


New member
Attaching a MapPoint file of all shall-issue states (shaded in orange) co-indexed with the law schools in US News & World Reports law schools listed in tiers 2,3,4.

My wife is a first year law student at University of Baltimore. We built this little chart as we were looking for transfer schools as part of my job.

I'd be happy to run similar maps for other gun-loving college folks, provided you give me an Excel spreadsheet with college name, city, and state that I can merge with the mapping software.

Hope it helps.


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New member
Another vote for GA. I think UGA's law school is supposed to be pretty good. I live here in Athens. I have a carry permit that took $40 and about a month to get.

Beer's really cheap here, too. And we have some of the prettiest girls in the country going to school here.