Gun for wife


New member
I am posting this in the revolver forum as my wife has Raynauds disease which is limits the strength in her hands. I am wanting to get her a gun but she is really unable to adequately cycle the slide on a SA. I am thinking about a SW 642 but am not sure if the trigger may be too much for her as well as the recoil. It has been a while since I did much shooting with a large caliber revolver and can't remember how strong the trigger is on them. Since I was young back them it didn't matter much to me. :)

I am open to suggestions for someone with weak hands. She is talking about getting her CWP and she will need something she can handle for that.


New member
First be sure she can pull a DA trigger. If she can, get a good revolver with cushy rubber grips on it and don't look back. Remember that heavier is better for absorbing recoil.

If she can't manage the DA trigger pull, consider looking for a Beretta Tomcat, which is a semi-auto with a tip up barrel that erases the need to ever rack the slide. This avoids hand strength issues with trigger pull and hand strength issues with racking the slide.

If that's not an option, consider having her shoot the revolver in SA mode, but be sure she knows how to safely lower the hammer herself if you go that route.



New member
Take her to the gun store and let her handle as many pistols as possible and go from there. She's not the only person with that problem and gun stores want to make a sell.

I had the same problem with my wife. She broke her back twice between her shoulder blades and has zero strength in her arms and wrist. She settled on the PPK 380, she could bearly work the slide, but with a bit of practice she got good with it.

That is until she found the Taurus Judge. She does a lot of horseback riding (we live in snake country). I got one for here, she loves it. She can work the double action but has the option of SA also. Plus she likes the ideal of the 410 shells. (use #4 Shot, not the lighter stuff). She has no problems with the recoil of the 410s, but has to shoot light loads of 45 LC.

But like I said, take her to the gun store and let her find one she can use.


Take her to the gun store and let her handle as many pistols as possible and go from there.

And that's the bottom line, let HER tell YOU what works best.

That being said, I'll suggest a Taurus 85 UL with Wolff lightweight springs and a fluff and buff on the innards. If you're looking for a semi, the Taurus PT22 or 25 have a fairly light DAO trigger pull. You don't have to rack the slide, either. They breech-load.


New member
I appreciate all the advice. She was talking with a friend of ours that is a Deputy Sheriff and he recommended the revolver and of course she takes his word over mine. :) She has triee to rack the slide on my Taurus PT111 and could do it but had a lot of trouble. No way could she do it on my P3AT for some strange reason. :eek:

She has actually surprised me with the way she as accepted my carrying but we have three daughters and both of us worry about them. They are slowly coming around but slowly. A very close friend of hers is the wife of the Deputy I mentioned and he is all for carrying so support is close at hand.

As for the SA/DA I have a H&R .22 that I bought about 25 years ago that I still enjoy shooting and almost always shoot it SA. I guess that is one reason I like the Taurus. I hate that the .32 revolver is almost obsolete as it may not have the "stopping" power but is a neat round for such cases.

Bill Siegle

New member
Beretta makes their small 32,22,and 25 autos in a tip up barrel design so no slide racking is needed. I do believe they make(or made) a larger 380 design that had the tip up barrel too.


New member
My wife likes the Taurus Mod 85 in .38 special, you might want to look at the ported version since recoil is an issue.

I sometimes carry a Beretta .25 acp with the pop up barrel for easy loading. You might want to look at the pop ups in the Beretta line. I had a Taurus pop-up in .22 an the trigger was pretty aweful.
Have you actually called and instructor or several instructors to see if she absolutely has to be able to rack the slide to pass their course for autos. I think if you explained the circumstances then you will find someone rational who wants to work with you as a learning experience.

I personally would rather rack the slide for my wife and send her out with one in the tube with a small, XD, MP, or GLK than try to get her used to a heavy triggered revolver. If for some reason she does empty the gun then all she has to do is put in a magazine, release the safety, and rock and roll.

Bottom line, it think pax's bobcat idea is best. Also I am not knocking revolvers I am trying to think out side the box and get you where you want to be.


New member
Bill - I don't think that racking the slide would be nearly the problem as the recoil from 50-100 rounds of shooting but all of that we can work around. I am really trying to get ideas to work with her and all the support has been great.

This fellow was telling my wife about a class for ladies they had with the Dept and one in it was an 80 year old Grandmother with a walking cane. he said when it came to the shooting part eveyone including the deputies stood back in amazment at her putting evey round dead center. He said she out shot all the LEO that were there. :eek:
Bill - I don't think that racking the slide would be nearly the problem as the recoil from 50-100 rounds of shooting but all of that we can work around. I am really trying to get ideas to work with her and all the support has been great.

This fellow was telling my wife about a class for ladies they had with the Dept and one in it was an 80 year old Grandmother with a walking cane. he said when it came to the shooting part eveyone including the deputies stood back in amazment at her putting evey round dead center. He said she out shot all the LEO that were there.

I think you are just stumbling around in the dark. Find out what she can do and can't do then train around it. It's a process that gives results. I have no idea why you put the Granny story in it has nothing to do with your problem.

Support is great but eventually someone has to get in the ring and fight the fight.


New member
If you can track one down...a Ruger Sp101 in .32 H&R mag might fit the bill.
Ruger triggers can be lighted fairly easily. They are heavy, which minimizes recoil, plus the .32H&R mag is pretty light to begin with! Loaded with quality 100gr JHP's the .32mag will ruin some BG's day!


New member

This is a great site for how to go about picking a gun.

If she can go to a shooting range and try out a bunch of different guns that'd be a good thing.

the good old model 10 is a good way to start. light load .38's are great for people with arthritis and other conditions where more powerful rounds are painful.

As someone mentioned above, the heavier the gun the lower the felt recoils and those rubber grips also reduce recoil.

The trigger pull on a double action revolver can be reduced quite a bit. But there is the danger that if it's to light the hammer won't strike the primer hard enough to fire the cartridge.


New member
I just bought a SW 642 for my wife. No safeties or mags to worry about, just pull it out and pull the trigger. I goes bang every time unless there's a problem with the ammo... She will be carrying a 110 grain round which should help with the recoil.

Qwiks draw

The below is from another thread from here:
Sounds like a Ruger SP101 time. There's the .327 magnum. Either the .327 mag rounds, 32 H&R magnum, or the lower powered .32 caliber revolver rounds can be used. Tailor the ammo to the shooter.

Or a .38 Special would work. S&W,Rossi,Taurus, Charter Arms revolvers could fit the bill. Even used ones.

If recoil could be a problem and a pistol is required then the .380ACP, while not the most powerful, can give a decent level of protection.

Bersa 85 Thunder series,CZ 83, and Taurus PT138 are the budget priced guns for that.

SIG has the 232 if something more pricey is wanted.
Beretta has the 84,85,86 series. Almost the size of full sized pistols, but in a smaller package.
General women and shooting considerations:

If a 9x19 cartridge gun would also work.

In single stack pistols there are few choices.
S&W has the 3913 Ladysmith/908 series.

Kahr has theK9/MK9 series.

SIG has the 239 or the used P6/225 series.

In double stack there are the PT111 series. Carry 12 rounds in a small package.

The other polymer brands can work as well.

So have her try all the types or to handle as many as possible. This needs to be her choice. No one elses

There are also basic accredited classes the NRA and local ranges,clubs, and gun stores have access to. One on one, possible women only, or in a class of many. It's more important for her to have a mentor who can give good feedback, constructive criticism, in a relaxed atmosphere, and give as much one on one instruction time as possible. Sometimes is best to stand back and let others do the teaching or mentoring.

If you want the Taurus,Rossi, or Bersa info, PM me and I'll give you what is available.
NRA member- Join the NRA or pro-gun group. Stand up and be counted. www.rugerforum.netSIG P6 2- Ruger P95s Ruger P97 Ruger 22/45 Ruger Mk.III Ruger Mini-14 Taurus PT111 Mil/proTaurus PT22 Taurus 65,66 (2 of them), 85CH,94 Rossi 462 Mossberg 500 Winchester 1200 H&R 649 2- Bulgarian Makarovs

I will add the what ever revolver you pick, if you should go that way, should have a light DA/SA trigger pull. This can be a case by case for any brand,make,or model.

Had a Ruger SP101 in .38 Special. The trigger pull was heavy compared to some of the other brands. Not overly so for someone with average or above average hand and wrist strength, but for anyone who has these kind of problems it has to be considered. Other Rugers I have shot had good triggers. Just a bit on the heavy side for DA use.

True,lighter replacement springs can help, but reliable strength to set off the primers may be compromised.

Some of the medium to compact .380 ACP pistols are able to be manipulated by people with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Bersa comes to mind.

The Beretta 86, know out of production, has a tip up barrel like it's cousin already mentioned, the Beretta Tomcat in .32ACP. However there are used gun online dealers or auctions that have them on frequently up for sale.

Bersa and the .380 ACP:

Revolver links on Taurus:

There are S&W models that can fill the bill,too. Models 637 and the snubbie line as well.
If really compact is the name of the game there are the Beretta 21A and the Taurus PT25 which are in the lowly .25ACP, but both have the tip up barrels. Racking the slide to load or unload never has to take place with them or the Beretta 86.

Lots to consider.