Gun Facts


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The Gun Facts e book

Gun control myth debunked in Gun Facts include (but are in no way limited to):

* Gun Shows
* Assault Weapons
* Sniping Rifles - Sniper Rifles
* Handguns For Women Handgun Sales
* Violence and Violent Crime
* 2nd Amendment Issue
* "Pocket Rockets" and "Saturday Night Specials"
* Concealed Carry and Concealed Weapons Permits
* Licensing and Registration
* Firearm Deaths (Homicide, Accidents)
* Social Costs of Guns
* Children and Guns

* Automatic Weapons
* 50 Caliber Rifles
* Microstamping
* Ballistic Fingerprinting
* Assault Weapons Ban
* Crime Gun Traces
* International Gun Ownership and Crime
* Gun Dealers
* Gun Control Statistics
* Deadly Force Encounters
* Guns, Crime, Criminology and Crime Prevention (Self Defense)
* Firearm Availability
* Guns and Police (Law Enforcement/LEO)