Gun Dealer question.


New member
I've always wondered how to become a licensed FFL dealer. I know you have to pay to apply for the license and meet all requirements but lets say after you get the approval, the place to sell them where do you buy your guns from? Do you contact manufacturers or what? Its just something I've always wondered.


New member
The distributer is just another FFL (dealer). You buy from him and log your guns in a "Bound Book". This is a permanent record of all firearms that come into your shop. You log who you acquired the gun from. When you sell the firearm, you log who you "transferred" the gun to.

There is no national "registration". Some states do require it and have their own process.

If ATF needs to trace a gun, they go to the manufacturer, see who he transferred the gun to, then the distributer if there was one, and to then to you. You tell them who you sold it to and they go on down the line.