Gun Control poll

Christopher II

New member
Man, that's a good one.

I voted Yes, the democrats should keep pushing gun control. I disagree with the DP on enough other issues (like the existence of objective reality) that I don't want even nominally pro-gun Democrats in office.

- Chris


Moderator Emeritus
Well, I don't think the Socialist or the Fascist parties should pimp victim disarmament, but then I don't think they should be into poverty subsidies, income redistribution, medical suppression, enterprise restriction...


New member
I see that as a no win poll. If you vote yes it inferrs that you support the democrats. If you vote no, same thing.

Or am I missing something ?

Christopher II

New member
I should clarify...

I don't wan't democrats or republicans in office. I want no one in office, but I'd settle for radical libertarians. :D


Which is the Socalist party and which is the Fascist party?

- Chris

Jack T.

New member
Dang. . .almost voted before I though about it. Vote "Yes" and perhaps cost the GOP votes. Vote "No" and lose rights if/when the Dems are in power. Further, voting "Yes" in no way guarantees we wouldn't lose more rights anyway if/when the Dems are in power. :mad:


Moderator Emeritus
I can't decide which I like losing less: the rights that get stripped by the right or those that get stripped by the left.

Both major political parties have proven themselves to be huge fans of sticking the government's nose into every area of human life. Traditionally the Democrats were the big pillagers of paychecks and spenders of other people's money, who reserved some sympathy for civil liberties. The Republicans were willing to take mercy on your finances, but couldn't wait to toss you into a deep, dark dungeon. These positions have blended in recent years as the parties moved toward the middle — the middle of the gulag, that is.
--J.D. Tuccille
“In Praise of Election Chaos”


New member
I can't decide which I like losing less: the rights that get stripped by the right or those that get stripped by the left.
Ain't it wierd? Both sides are paranoid about the government too.

- pdmoderator


New member
Well I voted no. The Democrats are a major party, like it or not. I'd like to have them on the correct side of the issue while they're in power.

And, FTR, the results are:

Should Democrats keep supporting gun control?
Yes (3,026) 36%

No (5,291) 64%