Gun Control Poll for Arizona Women

Jeff Thomas

New member
The survey below is being emailed to all Million Mom March supporters. Please disseminate this widely so that women who support the Bill of Rights can also participate.

The response email is .

PLEASE do NOT respond unless you are a woman ... it won't help our cause to flood them with male perspectives in this context. And, I suspect women from other states may also have a positive impact on their survey.

Thanks. Regards from AZ

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> <>; Managing Editor
> <>
> To:
> Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 11:08 PM
> Subject: Make Headline News - Gun Control and Presidential Politics
> >Make Headline News - Gun Control and Presidential Politics
> >
> >Please take a very brief moment to help us find out what you think about
> gun
> >control and presidential politics!
> >
> >There has been much discusion about women and gun control this weekend.
> Consequently,
> >we want to know what Arizona women think!! All information is confidential
> and
> >will be used only to compile statistics for print in the June edition of
> The
> >Arizona Women's News and at our web-site (
> >
> >So please take a moment and make some news! And --- please pass this along
> to
> >your friends. We'd like to hear from everyone!
> >
> >(Just choose reply, complete the questions and send. If you are on AOL,
> you
> >may want to copy the survey from below, then select "send a new message" to
> >paste the survey onto your page - answer the questions and send.)
> >
> >===========================================================
> >Q. 1
> >Presidential Politics
> >If the November 2000 Presidential Election were held today and George W.
> Bush
> >and Al Gore were the only candidates, for whom would you vote?
> >
> > (Type an X between the brackets preceding each choice you wish to
> select.)
> >
> > [ ] George W. Bush
> > [ ] Al Gore
> >
> >Q. 2
> >Gender
> >What is your gender?
> >
> > [ ] Female
> > [ ] Male
> >
> >Q. 3
> >Age
> >In what age range are you?
> >
> > [ ] Under 25
> > [ ] 25 - 34
> > [ ] 35 - 44
> > [ ] 45 - 54
> > [ ] 55 - 64
> > [ ] 65 or more
> >
> >Q. 4
> >Which of the two major party candidates best reflects your views regarding
> gun
> >control?
> >
> > [ ] George W. Bush
> > [ ] Al Gore
> >
> >Q. 5
> >Do you favor registering all handguns in the US?
> >
> > [ ] Yes
> > [ ] No
> >
> >Q. 6
> >Do you favor licensing all handgun owners in the US?
> >
> > [ ] Yes
> > [ ] No
> >
> >Q. 7
> >Do you favor requiring trigger locks on all guns sold in the US?
> >
> > [ ] Yes
> > [ ] No
> >
> >Q. 8
> >Do you believe handgun laws in the US are...
> >
> > [ ] Too strict
> > [ ] Not strict enough
> > [ ] Just right
> >
> >Q. 9
> >If you have children in the home, the oldest is...
> >
> > [ ] Not in school (too young)
> > [ ] Kindergarden - 12th grade
> > [ ] Older than High School
> > [ ] No children in the home
> >
> >Q. 10
> >Career
> >
> > [ ] Employed/non-business owner
> > [ ] Business Owner
> > [ ] Student
> > [ ] Unemployed
> > [ ] Retired
> >
> >Q. 11
> >Ethnicity
> >I am...
> >
> > [ ] Caucasion
> > [ ] Hispanic
> > [ ] African American
> > [ ] Native American
> > [ ] Asian
> > [ ] Other
> >
> >Q. 12
> >I live in:
> >
> > [ ] Arizona
> > [ ] Not in Arizona
> >
> >==================================================
> >
> >That's All!
> >
> >Thanks for your help. Look for the results in our June edition
> >Terry Williams, Managing Editor
> >Arizona Women's News
> >
> >
> >
> >Phone: 602-954-6169 Fax: 602-532-7034
> >
> >
> >(If you would like to subscribe to the email edition of Arizona Women's
> News
> >- just go to If you would like to receive the
> print
> >edition of Arizona Women's News, just send $22/year (check, Visa, or MC) to
> Arizona
> >Women's News, PO Box 45207, Phoenix, AZ 85064.)


New member
OK, I'll refrain (veins standing out on neck), but I wonder if the anti guns males (using the term loosely) will be as noble?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Oatka, I hear you buddy. Now, I did go over this with my wife, she gave me the answers and I sent it off. I've also sent this to every red-blooded Arizona woman I know. There's more than one way to skin that cat ... ;)

Regards from AZ