Gun Control Petition Online


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Let's get some signatures on this thing and show our support.


Online petition: Oppose Unconstitutional Gun Control Addressed to: The President and Congress of the US Sponsored by: Second Amendment Sisters Web site:

Not only can you sign this petition online, but also you may leave a comment and a link to your web site. You can also read the comments of other people who signed this petition. So far there are 22565 signatures.

Here is a brief description of this petition:

We are at important crossroad in protecting our Constitutional Rights. With media support and exploitation of tragedy, the Million Mom March and HCI will succeed in diminishing our absolute right to bear arms, unless a million of US say something! You deserve safety in your own home and person! Let lawmakers know that our 2nd Amendment Rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE, and put to rest the notion that 75% of "the American people" support gun control. Letting someone else do it is no longer an option.