Gun Control is Back, Senate Gun Ban


New member
This is part of an e-mail Alert from Gun Owners of Amercia.
( Friday, March 9, 2001)-- Gun control is back! Gun Owners of America has learned that Sen. Dianne Feinstien ( D-CA ) could be offering an amendment next week that would make it impossible for you to keep an unlocked firearm in your home or business for self-defence. The Senate will be debating the bankruptcy bill (S. 420 ) and Feinstein would offer her proposal as an amendment to that bill. As her amendment has not been published, GOA will provide you with more details next week.

Let us not let this happen. You can find the whole e-mail alert at

I would like to see everyone here on TFL, subscribe FREE to the GOA alerts at

And if you would care to donate to them, they don`t have no minimum. But at least get the FREE e-mail Alerts.


New member
Sorry I didn`t see AZ post. Az must type faster than my hunt and peck. But you still need to sign up for the Alerts.


New member
Patton said something to the effect that Congress has its schedule, and he has his (refering to the pinning on of three stars before it was official). Well, Congress can do what it wants. I'll do what I want.

Soon is tyme to be ...


New member
If heaven forbid this law were passed it would make yet annother criiminal element out of ordinary citizens. Just think you stop a home invader, a cop comes in to arrest the suspect and out comes both the home owner and the invader, cause' the officer sees an gun laying around. Or what about a guy who has a home burglary and the gun was used in a crime later, then will the origional owner need proof the arm was secured??