Gun Control Debate at the ABC Boards NOW!


New member
Yeah not a bad place to vent off some steam.

Here's my drop for the evening.

American Citizens not subjects.

We American are citizens, not subjects. We derived from a form of government that was tyrannical. We learned something from that experience. We decided that another Nation would not dictate policy for us. We also decided that certain conditions were necessary for the citizens to be free from the form of government we founght to free ourselves from.

We wrote condition upon a charter that the government answered to us, not we to it.
We also wisely added certain conditions that would overide the efects of a government gone bad. We would endear each and every citizen the right, and responsibility, to keep government in check. With force if necessary. We also deemed it necessary to allow free speech, and freedon of religion. We also included the right to sue government for damages.

We also learned that we didn't want police breaking in our doors with unwarranted cause. And we decided that we deserved due process. We further decided that we reserved the right to seceed from the Union if it were necessary.

What is happening lately is the breakdown of many of the decisions made by our ancestors. We've been duped into handing over the keys to the greatest treasure of the Millenia, the United States of America.
Our government has seen fit to systematically brutalize, imprison, beat, rape, sodomize, and murder, and cremate it's own in it's insatiable thirst for power. The beast has tasted blood, and it will not stop now on it's own. It has to be chased down, and subdued like a rabid animal. Lest we all fall to the carnage of another Fascist government in free fall like we witnessed half a century ago.

Don Davis

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler