Gun Confiscation in America


New member
After hearing so many people say that, "no one is coming for your guns", I got curious as to how often confiscations have happened, or even how often they are considered by legislatures. I found a lot of people asking the same thing, but found only pieces of information here and there. I decided to do some Internet research and compiled a list of ten items relating to gun confiscations in America. I then took that list and put it into a blog post, which you can read here:

My goal with these posts is to provide verifiable facts and logic without resorting to emotionalism and grandstanding. I encourage you to share them if you find them useful.

Hiker 1

New member
The true anti-gunners are firm believers in a utopian New World Order. Private gun ownership has no place in it.


New member
Good post. As to no one coming for our guns, that's what they want you to think while they pass laws to disarm you. Go on a gun-control blog and listen to the folks, they want the guns, all of them, and a not-inconsiderable portion of them believe if you and your family get killed in the process, that's just too bad, can't make the omelet without breaking eggs, you know. Their dystopian dreams are real, and it's not about assault rifles and Saturday night specials, it's about guns, all of them, and the people who have them.


New member
I decided to do some Internet research and compiled a list of ten items relating to gun confiscations in America.

The article failed to mention the case of New Jersey. A 1991 NJ law required the owners of so called "assault weapons" to turn them in to the police, destroy them or remove them from the state. Two friends from NJ brought their Colt ARs to my place in WV for storage.

Three days after New Jersey's "toughest in the nation" ban on assault weapons took effect, only one person has turned in a firearm to the police.


Today was the first weekly reporting period since the ban took effect on Friday. It required anyone possessing any of some 60 weapons on a list of banned firearms to sell them outside the state, to turn them in to the police or to certify that the weapons had been rendered inoperable. Anyone failing to comply faces three to five years in prison and a fine of $7,500. Appellate Judge Affirms Ban
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New member
"no one is coming for your guns"
this statement is two-fold. One in the sense of confiscation. The other in the sense of prohibition. Both are valid concerns, but I usually hear it used in the context of prohibition i.e: proposed legislation.... where it is the most deceptive on the most extreme level.

levelhead's article does a good job covering both aspects of the subject. I don't usually bookmark personal blogs but I like knowing examples of of abuse of power. Nice work and keep that blog up!


New member
The article failed to mention the case of New Jersey. A 1991 NJ law required the owners of so called "assault weapons" to turn them in to the police, destroy them or remove them from the state. Two friends from NJ brought their Colt ARs to my place in WV for storage.

Thanks - I added a section for this.
A ban, whether the present owner is grandfathered or not, is a ban. If one can't transfer his property, even upon death, then it WILL be confiscated, eventually. I will not be lulled into some false sense of security on that fact.


New member
OP: Don't overlook the recent NY state SAFE act and the resultant cancellation of pistol licenses and confiscation of guns. State police are still doing it. The most publicized one was beaten by the Tresmond legal team.

Nickel Plated

New member
The whole "coming for your guns" thing is very misunderstood I belive. The gov't says "We're not coming for your guns" and it's true.
They will not come for your guns. They don't have the time, money or officers willing to get shot to go around door to door to get people's guns. They will simply have you bring the guns to them.
Pass a ban on sonething or other. Sure many will not comply. I suspect most would however. Of those who do not, make a few notable examples. Stiff jail terms. Friends and families tied up with conspir acy and aiding and abbetting charges. That would scare most of the rest into complying.
How many will keep their guns at the risk of 20 years in prison for every offense as well as their families getting dragged into it?
The rest will be much easier to deal with as a smaller group. Especially once you start offering nice rewards for info on anyone possessing an illegal gun (like they do in NY now)

So anyone who's preparing for the day when the cops come to take their guns is frankly gonna be a bit disappointed because that day isn't coming.


New member
The whole "coming for your guns" thing is very misunderstood I belive. The gov't says "We're not coming for your guns" and it's true.
They will not come for your guns. They don't have the time, money or officers willing to get shot to go around door to door to get people's guns. They will simply have you bring the guns to them.
Pass a ban on sonething or other. Sure many will not comply. I suspect most would however. Of those who do not, make a few notable examples. Stiff jail terms. Friends and families tied up with conspir acy and aiding and abbetting charges. That would scare most of the rest into complying.
How many will keep their guns at the risk of 20 years in prison for every offense as well as their families getting dragged into it?
The rest will be much easier to deal with as a smaller group. Especially once you start offering nice rewards for info on anyone possessing an illegal gun (like they do in NY now)

So anyone who's preparing for the day when the cops come to take their guns is frankly gonna be a bit disappointed because that day isn't coming.
There may be states where that gambit is successful; however, I can guarantee you that my state of residence (TX) isn't one of them.


New member
Levelhead, excellent work, I have bookmarked the page for when one of my liberal friends stops by and starts talking about "reasonable gun control" again.
I have no doubt that there are people at the federal level, down to city councils who would pass a law in the dark of night and order law enforcement to commence house to house confiscation in the morning if they thought they could get away with it. I may be naive, but I still have faith that in most jurisdictions, the police upon receiving that order would round up the people that issued it, and put them in jail for treason. I don't know how long that faith will last.
But instead, they will find reasons to pick us apart a few at a time, turn our legal firearms and accessories into contraband. Confiscate your guns because you told a VA doctor that you have flashbacks, or simply drive a few people over the edge of sanity with legalized harassment until they do take criminal action against "the machine" in frustration. None of these vocal tyrants would volunteer to run point in the first raiding party, no, they will sit in safety and order street cops to do it to their neighbors and civilians friends. Now is the time for all law enforcement officers to decide who they serve, and which America they wish to live in.
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New member
Well there you go citing facts, rational argumentation, and logical reasoning. ;)

Excellent article overall.