Gun Company Representatives

JP Sarte

New member
After having posting on TFL recently concerning some issues I had (with the former gun company passing themselves off as Remington) I realized that a new thread should be started regarding gun company representatives.

In my opinion, not so humble either, if you are a gun company representative you should acknowledge your identity before you post. To do otherwise is disingenuous at best. At worst it is outright lie.

The advice or information you provide cannot be considered anything but biased and self serving when you hide your identity. Questions about technical accuracy are another issue alltogether. Certainly not what TFL members and guests deserve or expect. This forum is supposed to be focused on people getting together online to share ideas and information. Not to push product for the firm you work for. That's why they have advertising.

Will gun "reps" do this? Likely not. But those who use this board for the legitimate dissemination and sharing of information should certainly be more discriminating when evaluating posts always on the lookout for these pretenders.
